I chose this position, because it is aesthetically pleasing, to new public, new customers, people without knowledge of yoga remember better and choose known or pleasant images. Warrior 2 position, look is like "NO TRESPASSING". I think you understand me.
Sorry- can we see the silhouettes in a gender neutral form as we do have some men in our classes. Also, can we see some ideas of incorporating our hot and not hot yoga classes? Mixes of warmer and cooler tones of our greens, taupes and blacks?
Can we see a rendition with the figure from #188 on #180, and on #188 can the background leaves all be green, the sliver of sun be the red instead of orange? Thanks soooo much!!
Congratulations! You are our final designer! Thank you so much for all of your hard work! Can we see #160 with the tag line and some variations in font for both the name and the tag line?
Also would like to see just some different variations of #160. The owners had been drawn toward some of your other designs more, but when they asked the teachers at the studio most were drawn toward #160. Thanks in advance!
Hi 2lines, can you please change a few things for us? We would like to see #219 with more height above the silhouette's head in the flourish. That could be more height in the leaf or two more of the small leaves above his head. We just want to see more green behind his head and a little more height.
Also, can you please change #201 and #208 to a white silhouette with the less tracking in "studio" and the lines on either side?
Hi 2lines, can you please lengthen the bottom lotus leaves in #220 so that it feels more balanced and the three big leaves are sized more proportionally?
Hi Again! We have decided on the design of #221 using that font in "Yoga Junkie Studio". However, we would like to tweak that design slightly. Can you please decrease the side leaves by 15-20% in scale - these would be the leaves on the left and right of the yoga person's shoulder areas, not the ones he is sitting on. Can you also decrease the size of the yoga person by 10%? Lastly, we would like to see some simplistic fonts like Helvetica used in the "Livin' the Yoga Life" along with the font used in #208 and #220 please. Thank you so much!
LOVE the new leaves!! Thank you!! But in 225 and 226 the trunk of the body looks distorted now. If we can fix that we will make a final decision by the end of the day tomorrow. Thanks so much for all of your hard work.
The last two uploads still have the body looking funny. It is not as clear what the person is doing as in your previous versions. Can you please clean it up a little more so we can clearly see what position he is in? We are almost there!!! Thank you!
Once that siloutte has been corrected, we have researched some other fonts we like for the tagline. Could we see the final design using the following font names for the tagline - The Quick, Beginning Yoga and WC Mano Negra Bta?
Then can we please see #237 with the spacing under the arms in all green? I am afraid that when printing this could be a problem area with the thin lines. Also can be misconstrued as ribs of some sort. I am aware that the lines under the arms are a natural continuation of the leaves, but would like to see it filled in with the green. Want to omit print issues in the future. Thanks so much! Want to finalize today :)
Also, can we please add to those refinements: Nudge Livin' the Yoga Life down a bit away from the word Studio and please widen to the O in Yoga and the I in Junkie. And can we see one version with the upper leaf in #221 in the version of #237, all the other leaves are perfect. Thank you!
Hi 2lines, we have decided on #239! Thank you so much for extremely hard work as we sifted through many variations and changes. We are extremely happy with our final logo. I'm not sure how communication is done post final selection, but we would like to request the following formats of #239: 1. EPS 2. EPS Layered 3. AI 4. PSD if you are able 5. Reverse logo in white 6. Separate logo of just the silhouette and leaves in all formats including reverse 7. Logo with just the emblem and Yoga Junkie Studio without the tagline in all formats including reverse
Hi, we received the logo tournament link to download which only came with the low-res .eps and the large, medium and small .jpg files. Is there a separate email we should be looking for?