Hi my friend: We do like #53 and #54, could you make some changes? 1: eliminate the letters on the bottom, we only need the ship-shaped part. 2: for the ship-shaped part, could you make the bottom thicker, more solid, and wider, so it looks more obvious? 3: could you make different color combinations? 4: If you could simplify the ship part, it would be better Thank you
Thank you for the ranking, and here are some revisions: #62 & #63 - versions of #54 with slightly different thicknesses of the boat and water. #64 - thicker boat and water than in #53. If you would like to see the boat and water thicker than in these new designs then let me know - I could try it to see what it would look like. #65, #66 & #67 - versions of #53 with the sails, boat and water contained within an oval shape which simplifies the design. There is an additional bow wave in #66 and #67. I'll do a more simplified version of #54 next. I think the only way of simplifying this would be to take out the kink in the top of the boat. If you could let me know which of these new designs you like best I will try some other colour combinations. In previous design entries #57 had a deeper red, and #55 had an even deeper red and a darker blue. Your original brief said that you wanted blue and red - do you still want blue and red of totally different colours?
#68 - a different colour version of #65, and the Y & L have been thickened. #69 & #70 - different style for the water and different colours. The Y & L have also been thickened as well.
You are the winner. Thank you for the work. The team may just need one final minor change on #66 design. I extended the contest, and will give you the direction today or tomorrow Sorry for taking so long, I feel the team is working in a French way:discussion without conclusion.