I used teens/children in different poses to create "YATL" with it. I don't know what kind of age I should be looking at, so for teens it might be a bit too childish. So if you can clarify this a bit more, would be helpful :)
Yes, Luke, you've hit the nail on the head!! I absolutely LOVE this concept. Is it possible to bring in some other theatrical elements besides acrobatics with this? I think that might appeal more to some older kids, and it would also reflect our work a bit better. Thinking comedy/tragedy masks, spotlights.... you're the creative one, just giving thoughts here, but this really resonated with me when I saw it. I particularly like the "Y" child with arms extended. THANKS!
Thanks! I will be working on it. Got some more things to do today aswell, so it might be tomorrow. I will contact you if I created some more variations.
Hi Luke, Great work. I'm Laura's marketing department (brother) ha ha. This is really great. like she mentioned, the first go around was just a bit kiddish considering the amount of teens we have. You know how they can be :). I think the Y is awesome and really has legs. This design element can be used on a lot of collateral and can become the symbol for the theater. I think it says enough without having to add the creativity to the other letters. Can you just add the atl in a complementary font but no design elements? Maybe the other letters could be small caps or just a bit smaller font. Can we also see this in somewhat more mature, but still kid friendly, colors instead of primary? Have you thought about what this will look like in B&W/greyscale, knock out etc? Being a non-profit company, our budget for printing is small and we do a lot in B&W.
Uploaded my new variations. Tried some different colors, use in black and white, Y with legs. Let me know what you think and if you have any feedback or suggestions.
Hi. Sorry, by saying that it really has legs, I meant that it can go far on its own. The Y can be used alone as a branding element or insignia. We share our theater space with another group and eventually, we can simply use the Y on items that are related to the children's theater and people will identify with it.
I like the red Y as it was in the beginning and not with any other legs etc. Sorry for that confusion. I also like the entire logo with the regular font versus the drawings. If i can just see one more change. Can you try to find a font that goes a bit better with the Y? Maybe something a bit softer... less block... rounded or fun. If you can get the font of the ATL to match the look of the Y a bit better, I think this will really be great!