On #2 could you do a version where the green on the circle is at the same level as the strings on the Yarl. This will make it look more like a Yarl. The circle will be 2/3 blue and 1/3 green
1. Make the blue font for Yarl darker (like #13 and #19) and keep everything else the same
2. Make the blue font for Yarl darker and also try a different font for the letters "arl" (keeping the Y the same). Is it possible to use capital letters for the "ARL" like #13, #19 or #52?
If you use a serif font for Yarl, please use a serif font for Food. If you use a san serif font for Yarl, please use a san serif font for Food.
I got the final feedback from the group. Seems everyone likes your original version (#59) best. We just need one small change. Can you change the font for FOOD and use the san serif font that you used in #68-#74.
Congratulations and thank you for all of the work that you put into this contest! The winning design was selected by a team of 10 people.
When you send the logo files, could you also send us: 1. The fonts you used 2. A contact sheet with the RGB numbers for all of the colors used in the logo
If you have any problems uploading the fonts and contact sheet, you can send them to me directly at amanda@sewalanka.org.