#7 I like the logo. I do not like the Black/Grey color selection. If we could see it more vivid that would be great. Feel free to move away from the green color as well.
Hi there, thanks for your feedback, sorry i have not been as active as usual, moving home, but i will workon some variations and will upload again soon for you :)
# 7, #63, #64 Your logo design with the bird is one of the favorites so far. The colors still do not wow us. We like the use of bright vibrant colors and I like the use of green. Can we see a variation of your concept perhaps with a green lawn underneath and maybe something else to give it some more punch? The logo's main purpose is use on our website.
Can I see # 122 with the .com in the lower right (lawn area) I want the .com but not prominent. Also will I be able to get a version of the logo with and a version without the .com if we select yours?
Can we see #67 with a small .com in the lower right hand corner in the grass area, and with more notes. Also in the final faze I would like to explore some other color combinations. Thanks for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work. We really appreciate the variations. I am hoping we can get final logo's with both the white and the black backgrounds. (#128 and # 146) When you give me the final art work is it in a format where I can use it with and without the .com? (#128 & #66)
I am going to be starting another contest after the holidays. I hope you participate in that one as well.
Great news, thanks. I will upload the winning files for you here, but to supply you with further files, i will need your email to forward those to as we can only upload the winning design to Logo Tournament. I also will provide PDF files along with a transparent backed version too. Thanks again :)