Yale Institute for Network ScienceLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Yale Institute for Network Science Yale Institute for Network Science has selected their winning logo design. For $600 they received 286 designs from 41 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by MASMETT Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #285 Withdrawn 6th #286 Withdrawn 7th #80 Withdrawn 8th #75 Withdrawn 10th #78 Withdrawn New #134 Withdrawn New #95 Withdrawn New #284 Withdrawn New #283 Withdrawn New #268 Withdrawn New #267 Withdrawn New #265 Withdrawn New #264 Withdrawn New #255 Withdrawn New #254 Withdrawn New #253 Withdrawn New #252 Withdrawn New #249 Withdrawn New #248 Withdrawn New #247 Withdrawn New #165 Withdrawn New #164 Withdrawn New #136 Withdrawn New #135 Withdrawn New #133 Withdrawn New #132 Withdrawn New #131 Withdrawn New #89 Withdrawn New #79 Withdrawn New #31 Withdrawn Prefers others. #256 Withdrawn Prefers others. #250 Withdrawn Prefers others. #35 Discussion MASMETT Logo Designer hi, please check #31 #35feel free to give a feedback, thanks =)masmett 11 years ago tkeegan Client I'm placing one of yours in the top ranked. I like the one with the light gradations better. We really want "Network Science" emphasized over "yale institute" (many yale institutes, not what makes us distinct). Thanks for your entries! 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer revised design #75 #78 #79thanks =)masmett 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer new entry #89any feedback? thanks =)masmett 11 years ago tkeegan Client I like what you're submitting. We're seeing a lot of "just Y" designs, but I think we will end up wanting to see "YINS" instead. The Y looks too much like it's just Yale. Maybe something like 31 or 89 using all 4 letters? 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer revised design #131 #132 #133 #134 #135 #136 thanks =)masmett 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer new entries #164 #165 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer #247 #248 11 years ago tkeegan Client For #79, could you put the text to the right of it and then try some different shades of blue behind it (thinking more dark to light variation vs. changing the color much) 11 years ago tkeegan Client On #78, my concern is how difficult it is to make out the Y when the logo is small. This will appear on things like letterhead and notecards, and I'm a little worried it won't look good - that they Y will disappear. If you could somehow reinforce the outline, or maybe its the "innards" that need to be a little more bold to make sure they don't fade into the background... 11 years ago tkeegan Client I meant #80 for that last comment 11 years ago tkeegan Client On #250, could you try not having all the hexagons around the letters completely closed? Just delete a couple and see if you can strike a nice balance. Networks always have a strong element of randomness which would be nice to capture to some extent. 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer revised design #252 #253 #254 #255 #256 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer #249 the logo looks in small size 11 years ago tkeegan Client #78 is getting a lot of approval. Could you try it without the blue bubble, with words to the right, and maybe a few different fonts? 11 years ago tkeegan Client If you want to update your design with the Yale typeface, you can download it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9HdlP4J37oUdjlGQl9kcG5yRzg/edit?usp=sharing 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer #264 revised design, sorry i can't use the attachment font, i'm using windows not mac. thanks =)masmett 11 years ago tkeegan Client 250 & 256 have been knocked out by a couple of folks who think they look too much like molecules 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer i thinks there's no problem with #250 #256 =) 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer #265 with shine effect, if possible can you sent me the font with windows version, thanks =)masmett 11 years ago tkeegan Client Here you are: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9HdlP4J37oUb2xyQnZOb0lKU3c/edit?usp=sharing 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer #267 #268 using yale typeface 11 years ago tkeegan Client Hi - I've stopped changing the rankings because I now need to get clear input from a number of key decision-makers. I'll be showing all of them a representative sample of your work in order to arrive at their pick of the best designer. The specific placement of the top logos now may not be entirely accurate by the end of that process, but it is the best estimate based on feedback so far. So everyone still has a chance. Thanks for your great designs and good luck! ~Tom 11 years ago tkeegan Client Hello. Sorry for the long silence but holidays here in the US have slowed down the progress here. I am about to lock in the winners, and you are now very stable as the top choice (I am trying to get consensus from a few people). But could do one more version and show me #75 with the dots WHITE, and also the writing on the side (to the right, as the others like that are done)? *Also* Can you specify at which point you started using the official Yale typeface (just 267 and later?) and if it is ALL letters or just the capital Y?thanks for your patience! 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer revised design #283 dot and line white #284 only the dot whitei'm starting using yale typeface from entry #267 #268 #283 #284and using all yale typeface on entry #268 (the symbol and all letter)on #267 #283 #284 using on the letter on the right except the symbol 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer new entry #285 using all yale typeface the write on the left also the symbol.thanks =)masmett 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer #286 change the symbol using yale typeface 11 years ago tkeegan Client We've chosen #285 as the winner. Congratulations and thanks for all your hard work! Feel free to get in touch with me at thomas.keegan /at/ yale /dot/ edu 11 years ago MASMETT Logo Designer the color version is #31 #35 #75 you can chose the color option.masmett 10 years ago