Thanks for your entries, we are on a short pause, but hopefully we are back in full business in a couple of hours. All entries shows quality. The blend of colors in #53 are good, but so far we like #56 best of your entries. The emblem in #56 are interessting, but its hard to read Xreid.
Is it possible to put the font from #102 into your new entry #165? We really like the font in #102. The undefined mountain in #165 is really close but we would love to see some variations of this mountain! Thank you, PSTO!
#177 is good! We like the simplcity of that mountain. Font is simple and stylish. Would love to see some variasions on the colour or any small adjustment to make it even in regards to mobbing forward, running, experiences. Thanks again.
#177 is good! We like the simplcity of that mountain. Font is simple and stylish. Would love to see some variasions on the colour or any small adjustment to make it even in regards to mobbing forward, running, experiences. Thanks again.