We still beleive the footprints in #115 is the best prints, the footprints in #140 and #141 was a little bit too noisy. Is it possible to make the print as simple and pure as possible?
We are not sure about the #141 yet, we are discussing it. If you have time to do some small variations of the shoes it would be really helpfull. Thank you!
We`re constantly returning back to this one now! Is it possible to switch the letters from small to big in #141. This font will be perfect with large letters. Could you give us some variations with the shoes? The size and direction of the shoes are perfect. but really would like to see some variations off the shoe/footprint itself.
hi, thanks for consideration I can now submit your request. I am not able to submit design in last few hours because I was ranked 6. Only top 5 designers can submit entries during top 5 mode.
Thanks! The font in #363 is good, but the shoes are not as good as in #141.
This is what we would like of the shoes/footprints: - In less then 1 second you should figure out that it is a footprint or shoe. - It dont need to be very detailed, how about just a raw outline. - Same color as the x.
Thanks! Is it possible to switch the stuff inside the outlines of the footprint/shoe with something that could be associated with mountains or moving forward?
Can you try to add arrows inside the outline of the footprint?
Also possible to add pieces of mountain inside the outline of the footprint?
The logo we like most so far from you is #396. We really want to see some changes and variations based on the following things, all refered to #396:
1. The footprint is not 100% yet, is it possible to see the footprint in a rougher more undefined style (like the footprint was carved in stone with an axe) 2. The font is really good, but is it possible to see some variations with thinner font in the letter X and thicker font in REID.