I was checking out your amazing portfolio and I must say I really love the following logos: jackrack ranked 1st, Maelstrom ranked 2nd, bondri 4th, maximus 37th (especially the strong typeface) Maybe this can give you a little bit of help from us. I appreciate your time! Thanks a lot, XPECIAL MOTORS
# 55,56,57 are very nice. One thing is that we wil need to use the logo embroidered and screenprinted and we all unfortunately know how the shades effects are not working for that purpouse!!! Maybe a full color and both xpecial and motors always on the same typeface/color maybe with different weight...thanks a lot and have a nice day!
Thanks for the revisions! I love the shape of the X inside the logo. Any other idea on how to surround it? I love teh rounded rectangle but I was just wondering on other shapes or ideas.. thanks a s usual. XPECIAL MOTORS
Thanks for the variations. I still prefer the rectangle I must say. The truth is that the placement of the rectangle works very well on the left #70, on the top #61 and on the left with full copy #69 as well as blck background. And tha's what we are looking for. Thanks
I love the logo but I am still not sure 100% At times it seems a little StarWarsy/Blade Runnery.....if you know what I mean. Futuristic but old....(I still like it very much, don't get me wrong...) Any idea why I have this feeling? Thanks, XPECIAL MOTORS
hmm... not really sure. perhaps the rectangular outline makes the logo a retro feeling? I thinking of maybe the solid color rendition? or the typeface is too futuristic for you?
Can we also see a version with the 3d feel (web 2.0 style...) similar to the entry ranked #2, to see how it would look on the website? Can we try to have the same type but a little bigger in size? Thanks, XPECIAL MOTORS
Thanks for your participation and congratulations on your winner. Although we will probably not use the logo exactly like it is your work definitely standed out! Would it be possible to have all the versions with all colors, positions and versions (regular, chrome, web 2.0 feel) and the font incorporated so we can change the sizes? Thanks again for your work! XPECIAL MOTORS
I have tried to download the files but besides the jpg I cannot open anything else. The eps file remain invisible to me because I am using Illustrator 10 and the file have bee generated with a newer version. Any way you can save it a compatible format with Adobe Illustrator 10? Also I don't see the font for the type XPECIAL MOTORS. Any way you can include it?