I like the concept. It is something different from what I've seen so far. Makes the theme seem more modern, yet simple and defined. Kudos to you for coming up with something outside of the box.
I was wondering if it was possible to make two adjustments.
One, is that / \ seems to make it "xo 2 ox" in the logo depending on how you interpet it. I'm not sure how you can modify it to make the trade name seem more clear in the logo.
Second, can you make one logo that is green, and yellow. I sort of want to test out how that look for look like.
I really like the concept. Hopefully it all comes out good.
Thank you for the modification with removing the "2". I gathered some feedback. And I was wondering if you have any suggestions on color schemes. If you have any other suggestions regarding colors. And also the xo2xo wording if you had any other font ideas.
I've received some feedback in regards to the design. I was wondering if you can move the \ from the right side to the left side because it currently does not look like xo2xo to a number of observers.
What I meant by your design is very different which is a good thing. I prefer a designs that are a bit outside of the box and different. That's how your designs convey.
Thank you for the revision to #176. I think that is as defined as you can get it. This is one of the top designs in my mind as it seems fairly simple, but the idea and the colors are really top notch.