Alex - thanks, and apologies for our absence lately. we needed a little distance from all the designs to get some perspective (I'm sure as a designer you understand that feeling) and to show it to a few people to get some feedback. Here's what we've decided - I hope these are minor changes that don't put you out too much.
We'd like everything you've done with the color version (#192, #193, #194, #195, #196, #197, #198, #199, and #200 are all great), but we've decided we want to go with the shape of the MARK in #178, where there's a bit more space between the edges of the arrows.
We realize we lose some of the semblance of the cross with this image, but the outside arrows stand out more clearly, and we think we can thematically make use of the white arrows pointing in as well. While the cross is de-emphasized, there was some feeling also that the slighly "germanic" shape of the cross might not go over well with some people in our community.
So - would you mind replacing the mark in the most recent submissions with that slightly altered shape? - everything else about them is fine (color, layout, font style and spacing, etc). Can you accommodate us on this request?
Ah, one final thought - a designer in our church wondered if lowercase text might be better than all CAPS. what are your thoughts about this? We wouldn't mind seeing it in LC if you think it's a possibility, but if you don't think it's a good idea, we trust your judgment. Thanks again! You have been wonderful to work with; we are very pleased.