Your Ranch, Ranchette and Horse Property Resource
What We Do
I am a realtor and specialize in horse property. I want to direct people looking for horse property to my horse property website. I am looking for something classy and clean with the website name being the logo. I don't want a horse or home logo with the website name. This will go on Rodeo participants shirts and jackets with various other company logos so I don't want it to look busy and want all of the attention drawn to the name of the website.
Color Preferences
I am thinking black or grey and white. I am not opposed to considering a color and if I did, it would be Red or Blue. My brokerage is HomeSmart and their logo colors are red, white and black. The rider I sponsor normally wears a royal blue shirt, but the jacket colors can vary.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I don't have any pre-conceived ideas other than I do not want the typical realtor logos with a house or key. I just want something clean looking with the website name being the logo.