These are amazing designs! I absolutetly LOVE #131 although it is too limiting for our organization with the dog (we want to try to represent a more broad scope of animals0. The overall design and concpet is speactacular however. #132 is very cool too. Maybe not just all cats in the design- maybe there are others I just cant tell? I see you live in Romania...we are sending a vet team there in October :-) the town of Buzau. I'd love to see more design from...very impressive. Thanks!
Thank you for the nice words. I will redo the deisgns according to your feedback. In #132 there are dogs in north america and australia. I will diversify the species;) Nice to hear you do good here in my country too. If there is something I can help you with in that matter, let me know. Hope to get constant feedback from you guys and I'm sure I will at least make it hard for you to make a decision:)
Hey again. These are my latest concepts. I'm thinkin' that either way you really can't limit yourself to only one or two animals without making a very complex, messy and crowded design. The idea with the animals forming the continents is indeed good, but takes a lot of time and effort and the abstracts would very posibly not be seen too well. So I thought that something more simple and with a deeper impact would work. This logo represents a stethescope in the shape of a heart to form a V in VETS. The word WORLD sends by its own a message and my personal opinion is that the caduceus symbol is not neccesary, dare I say its a cliche and the entire name 'world vets' transmits the right message by itself. This effort is at least something else and tries to convey a caring and interest free message. BTW the scope is oriented to the word animals in the tagline. Thank you and I would be gratefull for some feedback.