We're wondering if the use of more vibrant colors...Oranges/Light Blues/Reds would help Entry #13 and Entry #14 "pop out" more and feel more "festive".
We really want people to feel the "energy" and fun time a person would realize by attending the event :)
Yellow/Red/Orange sun with light blue skyline?
Incorporating a musician/guitar/singer sillouette element?
Incorporating a food element?
Thanks again...we really appreciate your works thus far!
The brighter colors are a lot better on the banner and skyline of Entry #16.
Just worried Entry #15 and Entry #16 are getting "too busy" with the bar notes on top and around the banner.
Maybe we can get the point of live music across with a singer slilhouette like the link below in the sun, rather than a house/ sign and a music note on each top side of the logo...going back to the simplicity of Entry # 13 of the rice and green?
1.) The WRF isn't necessary on any of the logos...we think "World Rice Festival" is sufficient :)
2.) We liked the green leaves on Entry #18 that were backed out of Entry #24 and Entry #25....it's the musical notes on each side of the entries that kind of look like golf putters, rather than musical notes :(
We're using this as a reference on the musical notes:
After presenting Entry #32 and Entry #18 to the World Rice Festival Board of Directors, these are the final modifications we ask you make to Entry #32:
1.) Please remove the beer mugs.
2.) We like the singer/microphone on Entry #32, but can you change the skyline/sun colors back to Entry #18 (Blues/Oranges/Yellows).
3.) There's a "mirror" web 2.0 look over the singer siholette, can you remove that?
Please know that we appreciate your hard work and think you've done an awesome job!