I love this logo! Thank you. Could you make a couple of changes please?
1. Make it more bold. I need it to be legible from a distance, and when it's small.
2. Make 'computer solutions' larger and more prominent. Again, this logo might be used on a business card or on a shirt and needs to be legible on those surfaces and at those small sizes.
Entry #49: Great, almost there. Make the 'computer solutions darker and larger. THere's no reason to keep it so small. It's nowhere near extending below the bottom of the logo, so make it darker and larger please. I love this logo. it needs to be readable from a distance and on small print.
Thanks for the reply. The logo looks about the same, maybe you havent finished it yet.
Can you see the other entries in my contest? #47 has something id like to try in yours. See how the O is a 'power on/off' symbol? With a vertical line in the top? That conveys 'computer'. I really like that. Can you try that or something else that speaks to computers?
#67 I sure do. everyone else does too. I wonder if it would look better with a line between WorkWise and Computer Solutions. Just to give some separation . that makes it more readable dont you think?
Thank you for the multiple sized logo files! Could you please remove the extra space around the logo? WHen I paste it into my bus card or my email stationary, there is a ton of blank white space around it. Please remove as much extra space as possible.
No, I don't know what you did, but they do not seem different. There is still a lot of white between the edge of the logo and the edge of the jpg. I dont know how else to explain it. WHen I insert this jpg into a document, there is too much extra space around it.