So far #10 has shown the smoothest transition from our current look, which means we can transfer some brand capital. I would like to see a little moe development on the W. Regarding #11, when I first saw it I thought of Vonage...
Hi there! #63 and #64 were the two more preferred options. However, I liked the type treament on #14 for "workit" a little better. Also, I would like to have the tagline in gray.
I would like to see a totally different variation on the W. While it's evolving in a good way, I'm not sure if I like the ribbon look. It would be interesting to see that explored further. What we have in mind is that the W in itself would become our "swoosh" mark like Nike has, so we want to see several versions to see what resonates best with our brand. Thanks!!!!
Just saw your other posts that came in while I was typing.. :-) #1, thanks for submitting pairs with the new design - vertical and horizontal... #2, I'm not so sure we are intersted in combining the W and the I - not saying it's not possible, but still would like to explore some variations on the W alone....
Hi there - For #88a, can we try a few more tweaks? 1) Make the tagline a little darker 2) Make the W a little smaller. Also, I would like to see a different version of #88 in which the W does not look like a ribbon, Just a white W with a blue outline. Thanks!
Thanks for the quick turn around.I do like it better without the ribbon. On #96 can you please have the dark border on the top of the W be on all the top edges? Also, without the ribbon, do you think we can add a little more dimentsion to the W? Maybe a little more 3D look? A little light? Not sure how to accomplish it, but would like the W to "pop" abit more. Thanks!
Hello, we are looking for a few versions of your logo for comparison. Can you try a version where the "W" and "I" in WorkIt are capitalized? Both with the #97 and the #107 version. We do like how you included oranage in t current "i" - we hope you can find a way to still work it in. THANKS! :-)
Oh, I see. Sorry - we've been comparing a lot. #174 is a strong contender, but we need to see the letters as upper/lower "WorkIt" Also, we were still reviewing the one that was a W and I that looked like a person - I can't remember the number though - you had a vertical and horizontal version.Thanks!
Actaully, can you repost the designs you took down? Then I'll move the ones we are not interesting to the "not interested" list and then you can take them down from the contest. We have been dicussion the elements of your versions, but now we can't since they are not there. If that would work for you... thanks. Also, you can just repost with the proper type treatment for WorkIt...