Thanks for the #1, #2 and #3 submissions! The use of the W definitely is a possibility for what we are looking for. We would like to see something a little more sophisticated though...perhaps you weave in something? Keep them coming though...we will try to provide rapid feedback! Thanks!
Wanted to give some more feedback...#5 and #6 feels a little too close to the WWE logo (, while #2, #4 and #7 are also a little to close, so I would stay away from that. We are looking for something that is more 19th Century, if you are going down the path of using the W. A little older style.
Did you see the tattoo photo I uploaded? With the heart and the wings? Perhaps there is something you can do to incorporate that into the design? While we want the final logo to work well with black and gray, the idea of a second color, like red, may be ok too. Just a thought. Thanks again and keep them coming!
#10 isn't what we want, BUT there is something we are very drawn to about it! Its simple, but makes a statement. Historically we have believed we wanted something more like a Crest or Seal...but there is something very clever about how you did this it just "rolls" effortlessly. Hmmm...I wish we could provide something more specific about what to try next...maybe try to work in the heart or wings from the tattoo? Or maybe that would look terrible. Maybe add something in the background to have it lean a little more toward a Crest or Seal? Not sure...but you are on to something. Can't wait to see what is next!
#32 has a great retro-motorcycle feel to it! We like it better than #29, #30 and #31. #32 is probably the best one to try some more variations on. Maybe look to make it a little more timeless in its design...we want something that will last the rest of our, hopefully long, lives...and to the kids. Also, maybe look at some of the others that do a good job at conveying sophistication and luxury. It may be hard to weave those aspects in...but its worth a try.
#26, #27 and #28 are very nice, but directionally not what we are thinking. They feel a little too product logo to us. But thanks for has given us something to comment on!
You new tweaks look great! Can you upload #71 without the hyphen in the names? Just "Woods Wyke" with a space? And can you upload one on white, gray and black backgrounds please? That is the one to focus on! Thanks!
Ok...#77 looks wonderful. I believe we are in the final stage of the contest and you are in the final running! The only real comment I have is to tweak the W a little bit. Don't get me looks awesome. BUT, it sort of looks like a woman's breast :) The bottom of the W is shaped just a little too much like breast. Can you work on the W a little and see if you can improve it? Overall, that is the only feedback we have!
Thank you for uploading #89, #90 and #91! We definitely like the font in #77 (and #89) the you can stick with that. For the new ones, the reflection of the shape of the heart is nice...but it looks a little strange. Its lost the "W" feel to it. Can you play around with it a bit more please?