LiRA Logo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / LiRA
LiRA has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 75 designs
from 22 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
LiRA (acronym for Linear Restoration Application is for this logo)
What We Do
Natural resource consulting services to the energy and forestry sectors.
Color Preferences
i would like it to use some of the colors from our company logo and other mobile apps that we have - see attached company logo and mobile application logos
Our Ideas & Additional Information
i would like it to have some aspects of trees and seismic lines (these are very long large lines that are cut through the forest and that traverse across the north and are used for Oil and Gas exploration). Our website is
the RGB used for our blue color is
R: 120
G: 141
B: 196
the RGB used for our blue color is
R: 120
G: 141
B: 196