The Lavender on yellow is nice. The lavender bundled with a ribbon (your entry #3) might look good on yellow.
Woodinville Lavender in line is long and creates a lot of blue space. This might not work as a label.
The "W" and "L" are attractive and we've often wondered if they would work together in some way and then could be used by themselves on some labels. We often see this on high end designer wear and perfumes.
We like entry #9 but have two observations we hope you can address. #1 when we printed it and put it on a small diameter bottle the name wraps around the back side. Could you place "lavender" under Woodinville. #2 we like the font style but when printed and placed on very small product (.5 oz) essential oil it's hard to read. Is it possible to keep the same font style but crisp up the edges?
Thank you very much. I'm sorry to ask again but could we get the latest design with the same "script" type font applied to both words. Also one (this will be our final request) with Woodinville in the "script" font and Lavender in the blocky font you used for Woodinville in the latest logo. That should do it.
Thanks Again
3/5/10: When the contested ended it said only the #1 design could post additional changes. The only change we are considering is a slight color change from blue to more purple. Is this something you would do for us after we select the winner?