Wood Hollow CabinetsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Wood Hollow Cabinets

Wood Hollow Cabinets has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 175 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
I chose a font that closely resembles yours on your website. I also did a slightly different rendition of the leaf that is in your current logo as well. I tried to keep some of your original logo so that your newer logo will be recognizable by your current clientelle. The color green that I chose for your logo is a shade of green that looks good with red (which in your brief you are trying to keep the color red if possible). I also put in some bamboo in back of the text and faded it so not to be overwelming and distract from your logo, but to add to it instead.

I hope that this is what you are looking for in a design and await some feedback from you as to know what direction you would like me to go with this design (if any). I appreciate all feedback, even if it is not what I expect (I will not be offended by your comments, so you can be brutal). I looked up the font that you said your current logo uses but I could not find it anywhere. If you need to PM me to get my email address so that you can send your current logo so that I can maybe use parts of it to better please you I would appreciate that as well.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

15 years ago
#12 Maybe trying to stick with the red isn't such a good idea. I like the fact that you did do something besides a solid back ground. Not sure if it is exactly what I'm looking for, but it is getting closer. I do like the color of green you have chosen. I know I wanted to stay very close to my current logo, but maybe this is a little to close. Overall you are at the top of my list.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a few new renditions of your logo. I have changed the font to represent a more high end clientelle. I kept the leaf in the logo, but changed the location of it. I also made the 'H' look like a cabinet with both doors opened up. The gradient that I chose is a yellowish green that flows into the green that I originally chose for your design, the reason that I had gone with that form of gradient is so that when this is incorporated into the bar that you really want then it's just adding the image of bamboo and lightening it up a bit so that it is not overbearing. Please notice that the only change from these 2 entries is the door pulls on the cabinet 'H'.

Please let me know what works and what doesn't work for you and I will go from there.



(This comment references Entry #38)
15 years ago
#37 #38 I do like this much better than your original design. I think you are right that this does look more high end which I like since we do deal with a lot of high end clients. This may not be my favorite design, but it might be my second favorite at this time. I really like the font. I like how you have stacked things up so that it isn't so long. This has been a big problem with my name. The length of it always makes me have to reduce the heights of the fonts to get it on a banner or sign and then it isn't as readable for a distance. I would love to see some more ideas or maybe some different looks to this. You are definitely on the right track.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
How about these 2 entries? The only difference between the 2 is the background. I'm not sure which one would work better for a logo for you or for your banner. I like the beige to green, but it depends on how you want your site to look to.



(This comment references Entry #59)
15 years ago
#58 I do like the background much better. I like the way #37 font was stacked up better. "Wood Hollow Cabinets" seems to stand out more that way. I don't like the bamboo. It just seems to be out of place. Please keep working with this if you have time. You are still second on my list and being considered so please send any other similar additions to this you can think of.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
I will work on this a bit more tomorrow night as to right now I am going to recollect my thoughts and all the feedback that you gave me so that I can get this right. For now can you do me a favor and spend a couple extra minutes and answer a few questions for me. It's not so much placing here, and I don't want you to just settle for the best design that you were given here. I want to knock this one out of the park for you.

Here are some questions, Do you like the cabinet doors as the 'H'?
What kind of background would you prefer (if any)?
Is the rendition of the leaf that is used by your current logo working for you?
Is the leaf placed in the best spot?
Is there anything else that you would like to see incorporated into the logo?

You already answered the question about text placement for me, and I believe that you had said that you liked the font that I have chosen for you. If either one of those are incorrect, please let me know. Last question,

Do you have any suggestions or further comments for me on how to better the design for you? You can Private Message me if you think you need to. Sometimes it opens up the communication channels better.

Thanks again,

15 years ago
Logo Designer
How about this type of bamboo? One is in full strength and the other I made blend into the background just a little bit.



(This comment references Entry #69)
15 years ago
Just now saw your questions from the other day.
I do like the cabinet doors on the "H"
I'm thinking a faded out green "enviro color" looking background
I do like the leaf, but now that I have seen some of these other designs I may do away with the leaf.
I do like where you have the leaf.
15 years ago
#70 I like #70 better of the last 3 you did. I'm just wondering if maybe we are getting to much now. The doors, the leaf and now this addition. Sorry I'm not much help. I'm not very good at this type of design. I can design a dream kitchen, but this is tough to picture for me.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Wood Hollow;

Please keep in mind that when you are rebranding that you should keep some form of your original logo (unless it was a complete flop, which in your case was not). That is why I chose the leaf instead of the font (the leaf is small and as time goes on you can remove it completely from your new logo if you so choose).

You need some sort of recognition from your old logo to your new logo so that you do not look like just another start up company. Now I had chosen the cabinet doors as the 'H' to go with your new look. Please remember that this a logo not your banner. In your banner you can have the bamboo fronds off to the right of your logo (like the other site that you liked - I think it was green cabinetry, or something like that).

I can nix the whole cabinet door theme and go with the bamboo frond also, but wouldn't be much originality in your choice of designs now either. Basically all our logos would look similar, mainly just placement of items and execution of imagery. This is what I was thinking of when I made my version of your logo;

* Would it look good as a banner flowing into the bamboo that you had asked for (I kind of stayed away from the whole bamboo thing for a while because a logo with bamboo then the text and then more bamboo (too much bamboo).
* What is unique about my logo (Here you have to depend on the imagination of the designer, I chose the cabinet doors as the 'H', not many companies out there with a cabinet door as an 'H' in the name)
* What element of my existing logo should I incorporate into my new logo (again this is up to you, but I chose the leaf because it's small and for one other reason that I will explain in a little bit)
* Does the imagery in any way give instant recognition as to what services my commpany provides?
* Color must be pleasing to the eye, not stress out the eye
* This is assuming that you are going to put this logo on your vehicles as well, is it readable and recagnizable at the speed of a moving vehicle?

Okay then, here I go, with uniqueness I gave the cabinet door as the 'H' as I already stated, the existing element is the smaller version of your original leaf. The cabinet doors give instant recognition of what your company provides and the logo is readable on a moving vehicle.

* Here's the one most important thing that was not brought up yet; If you took your logo apart (taking only certain elements from it, such as the company name, then just the image, just the tage line). The leaf is incorporated into your tagline so now when removed the tagline still represents your company as well as the leaf. The cabinet doors is a part of the text for your company name, so when the cabinet is removed it is also still recognizable as belonging to your company, and since it is part of the text it will stand out with just your name as well.

My only thought and question was; does bamboo do any of this for your company? I know that it looks good, but doesn't really speak of what your company does or is even of recognition. I say this one lightly the bamboo is not a very unique image too much anymore either (In the last 2 months I have designed four different logos here on LT that want the bamboo incorporated into their logo, not to mention the dozen or so that I have done outside of LT - it's the new thing and everybody wants it).

However, with that being said, it would look good as an extra imagery to the right of your logo for a banner to meet the current times and trends. But you don't want to redesign your logo every 5 years either. So think of your logo to stand the test of time and use the trendy bamboo for the banner. Banners change constantly and hardly ever reflects badly on the companies that are using them.

I hope that this helps you out when it comes time for judging for your new logo. I hope that I didn't rub you the wrong way either with this comment here, it is just meant to be helpful for you when choosing your final design. I will submit one version without the cabinet as the 'H' and with the bamboo and the leaf for you, just so you can see what it would look like in my design.

thanks again for all your feedback and comments, they truly help us design that perfect logo for you,

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are 4 versions without the cabinet dooras the 'H' as I said I would submit in my last statement just so that you can see the difference of the design. Also please take just a few minutes to read my last posting. It should help you out when it comes time to pick your final logo.

Thanks again for everything and most of all your time and consideration,


(This comment references Entry #88)
15 years ago
#88 I still like #38 better. The particular greenery that you have chosen doesn't appeal to me that much. You are still in my top 3 as far as the logo design itself. I really appreciate all of the notes and suggestions. This is going to be a tough final decision.
15 years ago
Logo Designer

Did I do something wrong or offend you in any way here? It's weird that I was ranked number 3 and then now I am not ranked at all. Are you only considering entries from the other 2 designers now? I've only tried to give you what you had asked for from me.

I am sorry if I have offended you in any way, not my intentions. I guess I just don't understand the whole process that you are doing with this contest.

Thanks for listening,

15 years ago
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