entry #9. This is an intuitive idea as our company does interactive branding as well but I am afraid it might confuse the clients into thinking this is the website address as well. Also the font on with and net is a little too cartoony. Do you have any ideas for other versions of this? There is something here, but I am not sure it is there yet.
Also can you change the tag line to branding and marketing?
Hi, Thank you for the feedback. Well here I send some new variations around the same concept. I've chosen some new fonts for these ones, and changed the @ in a way that maybe it's stands out better, yet its still embeded into the logo without falling out. However I'm working on some othe variations, which are gonna be sended soon. Regards, Ron
Well on this one I just added some glossiness, something it can be done with any of the variations, I just thought to keep it clean to be sure its gonna work in both cases. Regards, Ron