Love the font type. Anyway you could incorporate an arrow on each end of the loop that goes around the globe, as well as the wi-fi logo on top of the "I" in Wireless? Also, would love to see this same type of logo in red/white/black/gray. Thank you.
Looks great! Would love to see #13 in a red/white/black/gray combination if possible. Also, would like to see how the Wi-Fi logo looks on top of the "i" thank you. :-)
Hi again, sure i can make those changes, but im afraid another designer uses the wifi & 'i' concept and i would not be able to use that same letter..ill work on the other changes and will upload again shortly :)
I think I'm going to stick with the green instead of the red in the logo this time around. Would like to see how Entry #13 looks with the last "E" in Exchange backwards. Also, I'd like the globe to be bigger or to have more of a 3D look. Thank you.
Like #13 as is, but would like to see it maybe with the arrows and wi-fi logo somewhere else if possible. Definitely love the font type, color, and globe exactly as is. I was reading over the rules, and it says requests or ideas that you put in your contest brief are fair game and open to everyone. I believe you could incorporate the wi-fi logo over the "i" if you'd like. I have also included more ideas and additional information in the contest brief section. Open to seeing some more variations. Thank you :)