Not sure if this is the kind of crossbow you sell, however, it fits with your coat of arms specification so I gave it a shot. Let me know if this is off base so I can withdraw the design. Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for your kind remarks. Added a crown and a couple of color changes to grey/gold and the next one is red/blue. Did not notice a color preference in the brief. If you have color preference I'll be glad to add them.
It is very nice actually. Is that possible to have a even more detailed crown (elegant) and different animal (royal) on the logo that we ranked number 1? We will pick the final version very soon.
Added a lot of bling to the crown. Different animals take a long time to draw. I have some nice lions, they are free clip art, look great, but clip art is illegal to use on this site, so I can't go there. Sorry!
We really like your design. However, is there any way you can change the animals? for example lions? I know it might take some time to draw it, but we will pick your logo later on. Also would that be possible to make company name more standout?
Increased "Winning Sky International" size 20%, increased "Winning Sky International" on the logo banner 10% reducing space between letters. If you want to discuss a new logo with different animals please send me a note via Thank you.
Here's a pair of newly created lions on my original entry. Made "Winning Sky International" larger on the gold banner and all black capital letters clearly depicting "WINNING SKY INTERNATIONAL" legibly. The name also provides a place for the lions to stand integrating it into the logo. What do you think?
Here's a new version. On the last upload somehow the lion's teeth were colored gold but they are meant to be white and stand out. These are fierce lions.
Re: your note 5 March "We really like your design. However, is there any way you can change the animals? for example lions? I know it might take some time to draw it, but we will pick your logo later on. Also would that be possible to make company name more standout?"
#43 figures are griffins, #44 figures are lions. You asked for lions. If you prefer the original design you should go with the design you ranked 1st.