For right out of the shoot I really like it...Can we try more of a blue grey for the darker color and if you could maybe do one with a beam running horizontal as well that would be cool too. I also really like the one example I put up that had the logo inside the emblem. Thanks for the quick submittal and I would love to see a few more idea's based on your first submittal you are Good and to the point!
they look great! I really like the #3. Excellent job..If you come up with anything else please share it with me but thanks for listening you have definetly captured items we are looking for.If i think of anything else i will share with you as well
I am starting to like the wrapped text around the emblem...not sure if I am digging the spark it kind of looks like a sun but I like the idea and maybe we can figure out a way to incorporate but with deeper colors and maybe smaller but not sure...I really like your ambition please do stay in touch...not sure how many of these logos i will recieve but it is already hard to keep up just with trying to give feedback...this is my first time so do not be offended if the ranking is out of wack until I get a handle tomorrow.
One last thought...what do you think about having a beam profile underneath the W and the name being embossed in the web of it...I promise I will stop working you to death after this one...I just am really happy with your work thus far
Thanks again for the feedback. And please just keep providing and telling what's on your mind :) It's really no problem. We are used to this here and it's really helpful to create better quality designs. So if you have any thought/feedback/questions, just feel free to tell me.
I have no doubt you will get a decent amount of entries, so good luck with that, haha. I will be working and absorbing your feedback tomorrow in some new variations, it's night here now in NL.
thinking about your logos and I still really like but theprimary "blue color" in #11 needs to go to a more blue/grey. As i stare at the logo I am seeing more of an aqua and I think if we change that it will add so much more....maybe a deep red and gray variation would be cool too....just a thought!
Grey Blue is my favorite thus far....just an fyi your #14 is really growing on me any variations to that could be well served if you are bored and looking for something to do! I was thinking about squaring off the back side of the 3-D name and shortening up the depth...using the darker grey blue and whatever other ingenious twists you may have. If I am taking this to the extreme too early please let me know..I am new at this and obviously do not want to keep giving you the runaround.
Thanks again! Nah I'm fine this way and it works pretty well for me. I really love getting this much feedback and keep improving myself/the design. Will working on 14 and some more tomorrow, got some other stuff to do today. :)
I am really liking your design..I am going to narrow it down today to a few designers and hopefully tommorrow morning I can come up with some fresh suggestions...Looking great have really done a great job. I think it will be basically a two horse race and I really hope to end it early Tuesday so I can proceed with getting the logo in print.
Okay thanks. What exaclty do you mean by squared off on entry 67? I don't understand what you mean. And a horizontal beam, I can't use it since wolv did it already in #56 and I have to respect that.
If there is anything I can do on entry #65 just contact me.
Back to the horizontal beam..why cant you use it? I am the one who told him to do it so it was not his idea. I also have a picture of a 3D beam in my briefs. Wouldn't the beam beam considered as an "obvious" concept since that is the main component of my business kind of like a dog to a pet hospital. I am not trying to create any issues...just trying to create the perfect logo....if you cannot use a beam how about a channel underneath????
You are getting so close and #93 is one more can you cut off the bottom part of the emblem and modify the lettering so that the entire name can be inside the beam....Just an fyi this is down to a two horse race between you and Wolv...both of you have been so great to deal with and so responsive to my requrests and comments.
I love the latest and Wolv both have done a fantastic job of incorporating all of my examples and suggestions especially with me wanting a letterform out of some sort of beam style like in my one example. That shows me you guys were paying attention to detail and turned out two fantastic yet different logos for me to choose from. I am going to have a heck of a time deciding between your two logo's. This is a fantastic competition and I have enjoyed it up to this point. I am enlisting all of my co workers and employees to help me decide on a winner(either decision will be a great one...I just wish I needed two logos)
I'm sorry to tell you this. But I had a long discussion with Wolv and the whole community and admins about our entries. I have been developing my concept into a steelish emblem logo with a beamed W comming out of the emblem. I have been ranked first pretty much the entire time.
The company name into the I beam is given by you and is a fair game to both us. But if you look close to only the top part of the logo, they don't look significantly different. I was the first with an emblem style (which isn't in the brief) The beamed W comming out of the shape isn't there either. The idea.jpg you attached is just a standard I beam being lifted by a crane.
In short, the community voted 15 to 2 for remove wolv's entries because the overall look of these two are too close and I was the first to create this look.
No issues...I just disagree that he stole your ideas when I put the idea of a letter made out of a beam in my briefs. I am moving on from it and still really love your idea so now I am studying it to see if there is anything I would like to be tweaked. I am hoping to end this contest today. Do you have any suggetions...especially with color?
Okay. About the colors I prefer this steel blue for the lettering (#94) I think the half circle where the beams fade would be best to kept black. (So it looks like the beams fade into the background)
I love the black version aswell. It's really just a personal taste. I think I would go for black, yes. It seems to come out a little bit more and is better to read.
About ending the contest. I think you can end it anytime you want, there should be a button somewhere.
can you show me the blue lettering on #93 that I have as the #1 ranked. Also, if you are holding anything back in your arsenal release it now....I think as of now we are leaning to the #93 with the smaller beam.
how about trying just one with the "W" being stretched out kind of behind the rest of it and coming down below the company name???not sure how it would look but could be interesting.
"how about trying just one with the "W" being stretched out kind of behind the rest of it and coming down below the company name???not sure how it would look but could be interesting"
Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by that.
Do you mean like: the 3 beams forming the W are show in the bottom black part aswell? Where the Structural Steel LLC is shown? If so, you will totally lose the readablity of that sentence. I might interpetate it wrong, excuse me for that.
Nothing new...Obviously we are really liking your father in law who is prime owner has liked it the best all along...I was torn....the only heartburn I have is why you waited so long to file a grievance against Wolv and the other designer? His design has been on the table since day one. Whether I agree with you or not...I am only disappointed that it was allowed to go on until today after all the time and effort everyone has put in ...specifically my time of reviewing the logos and providing constructive feedback. Besides that I am very happy and think you have done a great job I just wish you would have addressed your concerns sooner than you did.
Ok I have one more suggestion...maybe another bad one but not sure....can you take entry #93 and shorten up the middle beam to see if it takes on more of a W appearance. Hopefully it turns out better than my last suggestion.
I understand your heartburn, but please note that I didn't just wait untill today. I started a topic on the forums 1 day and 11 hours ago. Here in LT if we have a problem with two designers who think the designs are too similar we do the following:
Start a post on the forums and ask the community for their opinions and see if you are right. > Ask the designer to withdraw, if he still refuses > Logocourt. So that takes time, especially with all different timezones here. Me and Wolv had a really fair and friendly discussion going on about this, it was my word against his. We both got our views and these weren't the same. Then you ask the community, with the outcome of (15-2 in my favour)
That said, I had several contacts with Ivan about your contact with Ivan. He told me you like Wolv's better. I'm really sad to hear that and don't like it, but if that's the design you love and want the most, you should be able to get it. So if you could please make a decision with which designer you want to continue with, that would be nice to know.