We have selected you as our finalist but would like to see a few variations on the design. We would like to see the following combination: #55 colors and "people" with #14 wording arrangement (in black). For the wording we would like to see the font in #55, but the case in small caps (with the W, P and F all slightly larger...like the way you have Foundation in #55.)
Of this newly created logo we'd like to see the following variations: grey scale, and an "outline" version (just the outline of the figures.
Finally, if you are able, using the logo design above (combination of #55 and #14), attempt an element that might be behind the figures and helps to tie the logo together. #16 attempts this, but we were concerned about the loops cut through the logo. Perhaps en element that stays in the background.
thanks for the chance you gave to me..... i have done with my revision, base on your direction.... i hope you like it, and feel free to contact me if you need some revision or adjusment
comment references : #56 #57 thanks in advance dije
this is the revision, i hope you like it.... so you wanna get the 2 different version of the logo?.... maybe we can negotiations after this contest finish... because logotournament just allowed 1 version of logo.... you paid on logotournament for 1 logo design.... that's mean you just can get only the 1st rank design (with all the original file). after this finish, i will give you the different version what's your wanted... with the best negosiations : )
comment references : #58 #59 thanks in advance dije
Last revision and we will finalize. We like #57 as our first choice. The two changes we'd like to make to it: First, increase the font size on the tag line, "Helping people with different abilities reach...." It's too small to read. I realize it may require you increasing the font size on Foundation but that's ok. Second, we'd like the text to be dark blue, instead of black, matching the darkest blue on the "swoosh" behind the people. Excellent work on this and we will talk after the tournament about how to get the extra revisions we discussed (jallenp2000 at hotmail.com)
thanks for your comment, i really glad... i have done the revision, with dark bule and bigger tag line... i hope you like it... oke i will wait until this contest finish....