my entry is a clean, professinal looking version of a bull moose. clean typography and solid image. let me know if i can improve on this idea for you. thanks.
version 2 is more of an emblem, with flying ducks added in the background. i didn't want to have the image get too busy, so i just chose one land animal and one type of waterfowl. let me know if i can improve on this more for you. thanks.
I like the addition of the evergreen trees - very New Hampshire. What are your thoughts about the reprint quality of the gray font color you've chosen? Would it make more sense to go a little darker?
Here is a version with the text in black. i just used teh gray for asthetic reasons...some people think the contrast is more pleasing to the eye instead of both colors being dark...but i totally understand legibility is the most important thing. Keep in mind (if one of my designs is picked) i can give you a few different versions/color variations to be used at your descretion (so you can use whichever one is most effective for the medium you are presenting it through...web, print, etc.)
Thanks. and let me know if you would like to see anything else.
Hi Kyle - Is it possible to greatly simplify the overall graphic, and so something like a much larger and very realistic canoe, maybe with a fly fishing pole lying across it with a moose either in the foreground or in the background - we'd like less detail (there are a lot of trees and other lines - water, etc. in your current design). Maybe have the canoe in the foreground part on land, part in the water, with a moose on land in the background, with a body of water in between them. As I said in a previous public comment, we'd like to introduce human interaction with wildlife/the outdoors, but don't necessarily need to have people in the graphic. Everyone relates to a canoe - hunters and non-hunters, alike. And of course the moose is so NH. You could keep the ducks in one image just to see how busy it makes it, or if it actually rounds it out. Also, moose are known for their really long legs (!), so it would be good to represent it that way. Thanks!! -Nancy
here is one with your canoe idea. there is a fly fishing rod and a paddle inteh sand leaning up against the canoe. I tried to make it much more simple, but there definately needs to be some trees to show the scale (and that there is a great distance/depth from the canoe back to the moose) otherwise it jsut looks like a huge canoe and a tiny moose.
i left the ducks too, but they can be taken out if you like.
let me know if there are any other improvements you'd like me to make.
Hi there. #45: Can you have the fishing rod coming from inside the board hanging out, and eliminate the paddle? Also wondering if the moose and ducks could be any larger for purposes of reproducing on textiles. I fear the small images might get lost. I do understand the perspective issue, and wonder if the moose could be predominant, and the canoe smaller? Thanks!
here is an entry where the moose and ducks are bigger. i put the pole in the canoe, like you asked, just hope it comes across as a pole and not just a stick...(because the reel is down inthe boat (not pictured) and the reel is what distinguishes a modern fishing pole and an old fashioned stick pole.
let me know if i can make any more improvements for you.
here is the horizontal layout. i added one other color to show greater distance(lighter colors = farther away) let me know if i can make any chages to this layout for you. thanks.