Hello Joshua, are you leaning more towards a polar bear, maybe I can try same method as this design, but a polar bear's head, would that be something you interested in, or maybe another version of the snow dog! thank you
Hello, How about one of those Snow Dogs...and Subliminal I put like a path in the middle of his face, to show the path your sled would take in the snow!. What you think!
Hello, hope you are well, thank you for recognizing my design. I wanted to ask, from all your exemple you posted, what would be the most close that your visual ideal logo, and also do you prefer a black or white background...thank you!...cheers
No offense at all, I will re arrange it another way!..I appreciate the feedback, and no worries....Its feedback like that, that helps me to make it better. Thank you! :)
Thank you for your submission! Please take no offense, you obviously have great talent. To me, this looks like an x-ray of internal organs like a kidney though I know It is intended to be a tree. I'm sure many people would see it differently than I do, however… That's what I see.
Hello, Just wanted to send you a msg regarding my design, would you like it to be more simple logo form, maybe just the mountain or just the tree. I will use your feedback on my next submission, cheers have a great day!
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