Wildcard RentalsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Wildcard Rentals

Wildcard Rentals has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 146 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.
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Thanks for yoru entry Ilkay!

Lets hold off on using a card. WE just want something diffrent than what we have now.

Maybe try using a similar lettering style to your Oklahoma gold logo...

Thanks Ilkay!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for your invite..

12 years ago
Let's work off your #79 design! I like the font and the way you put the cards behind the words..

1. Let's take off the cards to the left..

2. Maybe ad a little more detail to the cards on the right..

3. Improve the Rentals.com on the bottom.


12 years ago

Can you please take out the big card on the Left...

Also, can you make it more like #79 where the cards on the right are not quite as discrete.. Meaning its more about the WildcardRentals.com and not the cards themselves.

12 years ago
Ilkay, please work off the #79 design..

Keep this in mind. Its not about the "card" its about our name.. The card is a small compliment.

The name is the focus of the logo.. the card is just a small touch, the reason I like #79 is because the card was beind the logo and was not taking up too much space.

Make sense?
12 years ago

We like the WILDCARD part

Can you make the Rentals.com a little smaller please.

Can you also do the cards diffrent. They are too big and taking too much attention from the name.

(remember we likeed how #79 the cards on the right did not take too much attention from the name)

12 years ago
We really like the concept. Plase read my last message :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you. I will send tonight..
12 years ago
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