I like both ideas maybe with some preference with #6 but are little hesitant with the selection of colour since there is a lot of blue logos in the shipping business. Another colour may give more attention. At the same time the ocean is blue so maybe......
Hey there - thanks for the feedback and the ranking. I will submit some variations with different colors and add the name of your other organizations so you can compare.
My thinking for #6 was to give you a very graphic mark that would be visible from a great distance and easily recognizable. Entry #5 had to do with "smoke" as well as ocean currents and naviational routes.
For entries #14, #15 and #16, I pushed the concept in order to keep the blue and add another color. My thinking here is that the blue block represents the ocean. The star is partly submerged, much like a ship, and is treated with a high-impact color. Beneath the mark is a calm and darker area where the name of your organization will go. As far as the colors, the green represents environmental concerns, the orange is the color of the sky at sunset/rise and the brown represents the harmony between water and earth.
I hope you like this. I look forward to your feedback.
Dear icarrhou After some rethinking i would like to go back a little to #6 and your comment from January 12th, 2010, 11:56am. Could you supply me with version also with the the #6 with the sub branched added. I also would like to se it in green and orange. Is that OK for you?
Dear icarrhou After some rethinking i would like to go back a little to #6 and your comment from January 12th, 2010, 11:56am. Could you supply me with version also with the the #6 with the sub branched added. I also would like to se it in green and orange. Is that OK for you?
Dear icarrhou More ideas pops up. For #14-16 is it possible to do something with the starpart where the smoke comes from to make it look more like a funnel or more "boatish"?
Variation - simplified with sub branch in orange as requested. I am working on the other variation you requested - the smoke coming from the star as it might from a ship - and will submit later today.
Hello there - thank you for the feedback. I will make the sub branch name smaller and resubmit.
I'm still working on your idea of the smoke coming from within the star but I'm not yet satisfied. If I can get it to where I like it, I'll submit this idea as well.
Hello - entries #108, #109 and #110 all have the sub branch name in much smaller letters. Each variation is a slightly different size so you can compare. I know that this contest is about to end, but please let me know if I can do anything else to the design.