I like what you've got going on here! Like the notes, the gradient background, the font on the tag line.... but find the "WM" letters in front of the buffalo to be obscuring. Can we see them w/out the letters? Thanks, anxious to see how that turns out! Chan
Hi Fufe I reckon you are infrigning copyright laws by using this image I Know the CH said have a look at it but dont copy it got to http://www.manataka.org/page1799.html, You could get into legal trouble
Brendan & Fufe- Thanks for the concerns! We've tried to contact the publisher of this book that shows this image on the cover & can't get an answer, so I don't know if they're actively in business any more....very frustrating, as I certainly don't want to get into any legal hot water, & would be more than happy to offer reasonable compensation for this image's use, if I could just figure out who the artist is & how to contact him. I'd appreciate any help you might be able to offer to find out how to track down the holder of the rights to this image! Thanks! Chan
Fufe, I'm not a lawyer, but your rendition of the white buffalo in your logo drafts aren't exact copies of the original. Don't know if they're different enough to avoid some sort of lawsuit, but they're not rubber stamps of the image. What do you think? Chan
Chan... I have researched and according to all as long aas it does not have a copy write insignia and as long as 20% has changed it's okay. Another version...