#15 > I really like this concept. I like the color combination very good. I like the style of the half football shape. You can also see a flower in it ;-). I also like the font, its elegant and simple I would love the see a version of a whole football shape as well!
To be honest, I still think #17 is your best design. Why? It is simple, not too complex. We are looking for a smile stylish logo
#86 I kinda of like this concept. But the banner around the football is too playful and cartoony. Make it more slick and simple. Also choose for another font and not too many font colors, that is too chaotic
#67 #68 its ok, but its a little too boring. Maybe you can make it more exciting?
#69 #70 I do not like the font
#63 The black arch is not really working I guess, it looks funny
#64 #65 Too much elements, too chaotic. Keep it simple!
#62 It looks too childish, make it more slick and professional
My idea about this logo is to give a hint of nationalism symbolically through the arch and the colors used, wgich are those of the Netherland's flag. This is so, because the way I understand the logo I have created, it interprets a unified thought though simply yet specifically stated in a sophisticated manner.
#86 I kinda of like this concept. But the banner around the football is too playful and cartoony. Make it more slick and simple. Also choose for another font and not too many font colors, that is too chaotic
#17 I like the whole football. Its colorful and energetic. I would love to see different color (maybe less blue?) and a different sans-serif font!