Weston ProductionsLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Weston Productions Weston Productions has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 78 designs from 28 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client westprod United States What We Do I am an Emmy Award winning producer, photojournalist and editor for broadcast material. Industry Media Color Preferences Red, blue, yellow, do not care for green Our Ideas & Additional Information my web site is at www.westonproductions.tv for more information into the type of work i do. Please feel free to use Alaska in the design if you are so inclined. Themes NecessityAdventureMasculineSimpleColorfulRefined Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st dars 2nd SpeedLogo Withdrawn 3rd ikon Withdrawn 4th SpeedLogo Withdrawn 5th ikon Withdrawn 6th ikon Withdrawn 7th ikon Withdrawn 8th ikon Withdrawn 9th RaspyDesign Withdrawn 10th gheist Withdrawn New dars New autoanswer New bamba0401 Withdrawn New illumina Withdrawn New illumina Withdrawn New chris1970 Withdrawn New illumina Withdrawn New illumina Withdrawn New chris1970 Withdrawn New chris1970 Withdrawn New autoanswer Withdrawn New HEAT Withdrawn New HEAT Withdrawn New HEAT Withdrawn New RaspyDesign Withdrawn New bamsite Withdrawn New bamsite Withdrawn New bamsite Withdrawn New RaspyDesign Withdrawn New RaspyDesign Withdrawn New Cr8tiveMeans Withdrawn New LutFi Withdrawn New LutFi Withdrawn New marzy Withdrawn New marzy Withdrawn New Breath of Life Withdrawn New Breath of Life Withdrawn New bluejet Withdrawn New bluejet Withdrawn New ikon Withdrawn New Sparkhaven Withdrawn New tomburns Withdrawn New tomburns Withdrawn New Amalia Withdrawn New Amalia Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Withdrawn New SpeedLogo Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. mikefr Prefers others. busymode graphics Prefers others. busymode graphics Prefers others. busymode graphics Prefers others. mikefr Prefers others. ufotofu Prefers others. TommyT Prefers others. TommyT Prefers others. TommyT 1 2 1 2 Next > Discussion westprod Client Design #1...Not crazy about the chicken. Design #2, i like the incorporation of the stars from the Alaska State flag. 16 years ago westprod Client Leaning toward something that ties us to Alaska 16 years ago westprod Client I am definitely sold on the tie with Alaska. I do like the mountains but open to other ideas. Overall i am amazed at the quantity and quality of work you all have demonstrated. There are a lot of talented people out there. 16 years ago westprod Client We are coming to the end and i want to thank each and everyone of you that have submitted something for us to look at. You all are truly talented graphics artists. We are looking forward to the final hours of this to see if anything new pops up...Russ 15 years ago westprod Client We are coming to the end and i want to thank each and everyone of you that have submitted something for us to look at. You all are truly talented graphics artists. We are looking forward to the final hours of this to see if anything new pops up...Russ 15 years ago Sparkhaven Logo Designer #35 #25 - we both know that's not an original design. Would you like me to post the link here?Jason 15 years ago westprod Client Sure...love to see where the original came from! 15 years ago westprod Client Wow! The final hours have produced some really nice work. This is going to be very difficult to judge. 15 years ago