Hi there, I think you're on the right track here - I prefer the *logo* in #3, but I prefer the colour of #2. I'm still not satisfied with the font and letter-colouring in either of them. Please keep at it, thanks!
Hello, and changed the font and color. Tell me about the new logo. you like the icon to the left of the text? prefer the lower case text? you like highlights and shadows? a greeting.
Hi, I think going to a sans-serif font in #6 is the wrong way to go: my favourite is still #3. Try blue instead of green, and then try making the "V" in "Ventures" the same colour as the "V" part of the icon - I think that might look great!
I like the icon centered over the text, and I like the Drop Caps in #3.
Love entry # 10. Also really like entry #13, but I'm not certain that putting all of the triangles in a horizontal line is the answer - it looks too static. Any thoughts?