The top (gold) part, can we try something a little different? First, can you make the roof a little thicker, so it would take away from the gold part a little.
Second, can we extend the gold out like you are with the blue at the edge of the roof..
Make sense?
We are also open to other changes you may want to try.
So, I made two versions regarding the roof, a thicker one #275 and a much more thicker #276 A new idea was to add some sunshines so as it looks like a sunset, this is happening in #277 , #278 , #280. Also, tried some new color combinations to the rest, most of them based on the lower part (blue) as requested. Tell me what you think. Hart
What about making the lower part of the grey a little lighter. Keeping the edge of the grey (by the roof darker) so it gives the roof a little more of a 3D effect.
Just a thought, we are open to any other ideas you may have.
I think making the lower part of the grey lighter doesnt work so good (#329), on the contrary making it darker with shades around looks better. Here is some 3d techniques that I was working on, tell me what you think. Hart
Thank you! :) I would not change the colors since this may alter the whole concept for example the sunshines have a unique color mode, I think with a backlight shading the design has a clear view. Please check and tell me what you think. Hart