Thank you very much for the re-do. #41 and #43 are definitely more inline with my ultimate vision. A couple things i would like to see is on #41 flip the right side image to be the opposite as the left side (the paintbrush like accent) and give me more purple in the circle but not as much as #43. Speaking of #43 lighten the purple in the ribbon. Thank you
I have never really had to critique someone on a vision that i don't completely understand yet so again thank you for your concepts and understanding.
I am on my computer right now. Changes are no problem. Any ideas or elements you want incorporated are good because you want to have your logo the way you like it. Your feedback is really appreciated. I am glad we are moving in a direction you like. Thank you for the input. It makes the creative process more interesting and fun. Stu.
The decision process is truly getting harder than expected. I want to choose more than one but obviously that doesn't make sense. Keep the quality tweaks coming. Wish i could help with more direction.
Thank you for the positive feedback! I am glad you are involved in your contest. If you think of some element you want incorporated into the logo just contact me as you have done and I will do my best to make it a visual reality. I am usually very close to the computer and can make changes almost immediately. For now, I will throw a few ideas together and build on what we have so far. Thanks again.
If you could reverse the right side accent so it is opposite of the left i would like it even more. Your welcome on the feedback - i just wish i could be more intelligible help as it relates to the final goal.
The paint brush like accent on each side of concept.
The time is almost here and my decision is getting very hard. If you have any additional tweaks for your current concept i welcome them, I hope to make my final decision by Friday.
I will be needing business cards, letter head and some additional ideas / items to match the winning logo. Is this something you would be interested in?