I want you to look at this website for inspiration. I really like the shield logo as well as the basic athletic logo...is there any way to utilize a face like this but with the blue jay feather flip on the head?
Google search ULM logos and check out the images
I think you are doing great following my ever-changing directions! I like the shield because it is different than most bird logos, but I also like the circle that you have used. See what you can do with it.
I really like the body exposed more on #60...I think I like that body/character with #40's writing. I have decided that your designs are the best for us! Thanks for all your hardwork, and I look forward to the next phase.
We will have a high school and elementary school website and both schools are the blue jays. I really like how #60 and #40 are similar, but #40 is more elementary and #60 is more high school. I really like that.
Ok, It dosent matter which one you select as the first place, I will sent you both. If you want. So in the future you can use one for the high school and the other for the elementary.
That would be great! Thanks! The Superintendent will be back from vacation on Tuesday and I will show him what we have. I may need a few more changes during this judging phase since he hasn't seen them at all.
Try making the fonts on #40 the same as #42..I'm referencing putting West Platte at the top and Blue Jays at the bottom. Also, I would like to see another font similar in style to #42's "blue Jays" wording. I like the retro look of that font, but am interested in looking at different versions of that same style font.
My web designer is interested in the website logo having a little more dimension. Can you add some shadowing the the blue jay bird (to give it more effect on the website)? I'm just trying see what that will look like. Lastly, I want to make sure the hex #'s match...ours is #2a336a. Please make sure that we are using the same blue color.
I apologize for the delay, I was out of town and lost track of time. I would love to have the following versions from the contest: 69, 42, 59, 67, and 68
I think we could use all of these in different ways for different sports, as well as the elementary version!
Thanks so much for all your hard work on our project! I think it turned out GREAT!