And, maybe just for another option to show our owner, do you think you could modify this idea to look more "sport-neutral"? Maybe something like a banner or pennant that's not just tied to baseball? Maybe just the same style lettering without the home plate shape? I just worry that with the home plate shape and Brewers colors, our owner might think it's too on the nose. The city of West Allis actually uses a "sports font/script" in their official publications, so they're giving a nod to the Brewers playing there, but they're not beating you over the head with it.
Like the concept. "Your home for great dental care." While I like some of the details (stars, strokes), I think it feels too busy with the "stitching" dashes. Could we see a version without those? Also, could you update with 5 stars at the top? I like having a larger star in the middle — maybe large star in middle and progressively smaller stars as it goes out? Thanks again!
I have heard feedback from the owner of this office, and he's concerned there is not, overall, enough variation in the designs. I know that the selection phase isn't the best time to ask this, but if I move you into the top position in the next day, I'd appreciate seeing some creative departures from the work you've already created. Particularly, the owner isn't thrilled with designs that simply have smile shapes next to or incorporated into the name of the office. We'd appreciate you trying to think outside the box a bit when creating variations on the ideas you've already presented. Some potential ideas to consider: West Allis is very manufacturing based, and it's home to the Wisconsin State Fair and the stadium where the Milwaukee Brewers play baseball. Thank you for all you work!
Thanks for the update. It's what I was thinking, but I don't think there's enough visual interest in what's here, and I don't immediately think of a smile when I see the shape under "Dental."
I know that we don't want to incorporate anything with straightforward tooth shapes — more abstract designs can work, but no explicit tooth shapes. Smile shapes are definitely welcome. I like this idea, but the fine detail of the trees is going to get lost on print jobs. I like the thought of having an arch above the name with trees or buildings on it (like on a hill), and then having a mirror image of that arch underneath the name like a smile. Not sure how exactly that would look, but maybe worth a try?
I like the throwback look of this logo, but I have a feeling our owner will not. The font is great, as is the color choice. The old timey streetlamp is a cool shape, but I don't think it speaks enough to our specific practice or region. The city does have a pretty interesting history, with manufacturing playing a big role, as well as farmers markets and the site of the Wisconsin State Fair.
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thank you
have few ideas to show you
thank you for your guidance
will try something new