thank you very much for the feedback, but your contest already in judging mode...only designer in 1st rank allowed to upload design during this time...
I will put you in first later today so you can submit. I have another designer that I am currently waiting for revisions on. what is a good time for you?
I'm putting in #1 now. i like the layout with the image at the front and the rectangular shape of the overall logo. I am hoping for a picture that is maybe a little more identifiable with what our services are offering. one that could be known for us, even without the title of the company beside it. I like the fonts and the placement and the style of the current image, though. The naturalness and the simplicity of it. Just need something more recognizable as our company. Thanks for your time.
Yes, i really like #111. Thank you for your resubmissions. Let me know if you have anything else you would like to resubmit later. i am moving another designer to #1 now, so he can resubmit. Thank you so much for your lovely designs!