i love this particular shade of purple, thank you.
this one has great balance to my eyes. can you change the 360 back to white and the mag life to purple? and any way to make wellionaire a little bit bigger and 360 a little smaller? i think these tweaks will get it THERE. thanks so much!
cool, that's how i took it on the first one, but for me it helped that it was pointing to the slogan. this blog will likely attract older AND younger readers, so i think it may not vibe with older readers. i think it's cute as hell!
the i dunno what you call it thing that signifies someone saying something, a speech bubble? i dunno, it doesn't work here like on the very first design where it points to the tagline. for this design style, the plain circle works really well. thanks! you are so creative!
i am so digging this design! i hope you will play with it a little more and see if we can get the degree symbol back to teh circle w/o losing the overall great balance of this design. the proportion of wellionaire to 360 is better here than in the first design but now i miss the degree being in the circle. yes, i want it all! haha
the other thing - i really really super like how you incorporated the degree symbol into the circle on the first design like this...i know it may not work at all, but can we see one with the 360 off to the right side so the degree symbol can be part of the circle? too bad wellionaire is such a long word or it could fit bigger better.
I like that the white line balances things out but i think for this logo everything has to be real clean so the line would have to be a clean line. that's my take, i might show this to someone and they say "nah, maria, you are OCD" haha.
creative! it's almost like a smiley! anyway to make the wellionaire bigger and the 360 smaller while keeping all else the same? maybe move the 360 to the right, s'okay for it to not be centered? can we check that out? i really like the combination of not bold for wellionaire and bold for the 360, that works, i just want the wellionaire to be most prominent. thanks!!
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this one has great balance to my eyes. can you change the 360 back to white and the mag life to purple? and any way to make wellionaire a little bit bigger and 360 a little smaller? i think these tweaks will get it THERE. thanks so much!
i think i prefer the degree symbol to stick out a bit like in the first design.
this is back to the too big 360, smallify the 360, go back to the original font and make the wellionaire bigger. thanks so much!