Weed WiseLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Weed Wise
Weed Wise has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 39 designs
from 9 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are a weed control and fertilization company. We haven’t developed a slogan yet but would love some ideas. The name of our company is “weed wise”. We thought a wise/enthusiastic looking owl holding our spray nozzle would be a good idea. Owls are known for being wise. We want an inviting character that shows knowledge and confidence. The other idea was a flying superhero holding a spray gun. (Example attached)
Color Preferences
Home Depot Orange and Green
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Honestly the example logos I’m seeing on here are not very good and super basic. We need something that looks like time & effort were put into creating an original character we created. A “wise” looking super hero was another idea we had. Attached is an example. I love the character we attached but would like him to have a “wise/confident” look and be holding a spray gun. Along with the character, I’ve attached a couple photos of what the sprayer looks like.