Hello Xyan, I really like what you've done with #3 and #4. I will make a few suggestions though, I like the coloration, but I am not entirely sure about the gradient on the word "Web." If you get a chance could I get a revision with just a solid blue on that, and I like the darker shade at the top of the word better than the lighter shade but you can submit as many revisions as you'd like. Also, I am not entirely sure about the shadow under the octagon, can you show me one without that?
I might also like to see one with the octagon angled differently or with no angle at all.
I hope I'm not being too demanding with these requests, if so, I won't take it negatively, I understand you guys probably do a lot of work on these logos.
I looked into your other designs for other clients, and I really like your work.
Also, would you mind if (when the contest is drawing close to an end) I took a screenshot of some of your logo ideas for me and put them in a facebook album to let my community help me decide which logo is best? After the contest, the album will be deleted along with all the files.
Yes may be in judging mode, a hard decision to be made with a lot of designs in coming. But overall the contest holder will be the one to choose thanks.
Thanks for submitting the revisions. I like your concept a lot, I appreciate you letting me use it for a public judging. Yes, overall I will make the decision, but I want to see what other people see when they look at these logos to get an idea of other perspectives.
Could I bother you for a few different color schemes? I like the orange and blue but I wonder what it will look like with other colors?
Also, I know I asked for the blue in the darker solid color, but I think I may like the faded look better. At least, with the bright orange and blue it pops a bit too much, the colors need to be a bit more dull.
I like your new entries a lot Xyan, I like that you submitted completely different logos too, thats great! I think you were right with your original idea of fading the color in the words. I think the blue and orange are too bright and stick out too much if they are solid color, unless maybe they were just lower saturation.