Websites ExpressLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Websites Express

Websites Express has selected their winning logo design.

For $410 they received 163 designs from 13 different designers from around the world.








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Logo Designer
Simple and modern, the logo represents the speed and ease of getting a website for you. The pointer web icon gets the website element and the rocket boost gets the speed. The italics add to the speed aspect. Have also included the key messages from you brief as an effective tagline.

Let me know if you'd like to see any changes.


12 years ago
Hi there! Thanks for your designs and message.

I like the way you have really focused on conveying 'speed' in the logo. This is probably the key message I am trying to convey.

Are you able to send some logos through without the tagline. I'm leaning towards not having one at this stage. We can always add one later.

I'm not a massive fan of the pointer either, but I like the way you have used a rocket's flame. Is there anyway you can also remove the pointer and flame but try to incorporate a kind of swooshing effect through (or at the front or rear) the word 'express'... Kind of like the Express is caught in a cyclone or is in a topless car with the roof down and it is holding on for dear life. Another analogy is like they show in the Road Runner cartoon where there is a swoosh and smoking effect when he takes off. Even just a car 'burning rubber' explains what I am looking for. Have I explained it well?

Thanks for your work so far. You are the only designer to have contacted me directly so that is a big plus in my book. So if you are able to also efficiently make changes, you're someone I could definitely work with.

Thanks again,
12 years ago
I just had another random idea... Could you also try a 'Wordmark' type design where it just features the lettering all in one color but the colour goes from light to dark as it goes from the start of the word 'websites' to the end of the word 'express'. Obviously they need to be written side-by-side.

I think this, combined with a Road Runner type effect at say the start of the word 'websites', would strongly convey the speed message (and hopefully look good)! Maybe using a flaming orange colour could work?

Thanks again,
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, no problem. Leave it with me and I'll see what I can do. Will try get on to it today, but it's already after 8pm in the UK, so it might be tomorrow before I get something uploaded - hope this is OK.

Thanks again and will speak soon

12 years ago
Yes, no probs. Thanks for your effort!

12 years ago
Hmmm... I think it looks a bit too fast now lol. Looks like a logo for a courier company! It's my fault though because you've created what I asked for.

I like the effect on the lettering (the colour getting deeper and the swooshing effect). Can you please send me one through without the cloud of smoke at the front and also with '' underneath the rhs of 'express' (if that makes sense.

Thanks again for your efforts so far!
12 years ago
Also, are you good at creating characters? I would love to see an example from you that incorprates a funky little guy.

Thanks again!
12 years ago
Hi there! I haven't heard from you in a while. I hope your still with me.

I've had another idea. If designing characters isn't your thing, how about basing the logo on a fireball that then shoots out either the whole name 'Websites Express' or just the word express, from its sparks. i.e. have the word 'Website' written and then a fireball to the left of it and slightly below it, that shoots out the word 'Express' from its sparks. I think that would be awesome!

Hope to see some more of your work!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, still with you. Just really busy at the moment so trying to fit everything in. That sounds like a cool idea. I'll work on some designs and upload. There's still loads of time on the contest so i'll work on these and upload tomorrow.


12 years ago
Fantastic, thanks! P.S. I've just increased the prize package as well.

Look forward to receiving your new submissions!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, some new versions inspired by your last comment. Cheers. BMF
12 years ago
Hi again. Thanks for sending the new designs through!

I like entry #81 the most but it just doesn't quite look right. The fireball sort of doesn't make sense... It just comes from nowhere. Do you have any thoughts/ other ways to deliver the speed message?

Thanks again,
12 years ago
Hi again!

You've made the final 5... Good stuff.

Are you able to add '' to the bottom rhs of entry #79 please. Also, can you please show me an example of entry #30 without the smoke, but with the fireball and ''.

Thanks very much!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, new versions uploaded. I've made the changes you requested and I've also taken on board your comments about eh fireball not relating to anything. So I've used it with the dot in the i - which swooshes across in the fireball to become the dot in - this brings in a relation to the text, fireball and the website aspect.

Let me know if you'd like any other changes.


12 years ago
Hi again.

I really like the text now. It is probably my pick from all the designer's submissions. I'm just not 100% sold on the image (fireball).

I think the lettering conveys the speed aspect enough that maybe we don't even need the fireball? I know I asked for it but I would like the image to be more memorable/ distinct.

What I am trying to achieve is an image that is distinct/ memorable in its own right so that if I used it separate from the wording, people would know which company it belonged to e.g. The Nike logo, the McDonald's arches, the Puma cat, etc...

Do you have any ideas?

Just so that you don't think I'm wasting your time, I am tossing up between running with a clean professional image (that your logo presents), or using a fun/ cheeky image like some of the other finalist's entries. I think overall the professional image is better suited to my target demographic (business owners) but I just want to get the image right.

I would love you to send a few more ideas through. I am keen to choose the designer I would like to run with sooner then the allotted time by Logo Tournament, so the sooner you can get them to me, the better.

Thanks for your continued effort!
12 years ago
P.S. Something I would love to see is an image incorporating the initials of the business i.e. 'WE'. This is something that would be easy to use separately from the entire logo and would make company paraphernalia easier to create as it would negate the need to write '' every time the business is referred to.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, how's it going?

Thanks for all the feedback. It's a holiday weekend in the UK for Easter, so I'm away for a couple of days with the family, I'm back Monday morning so I'll get some designs pulled together for you soon as I can.

Sorry for not replying sooner but I've only just logged in on my iPhone to check messages, so have just seen your comments.

Will be in touch as soon as poss.

12 years ago
No probs. I look forward to receiving your updated designs.

12 years ago
P.S. We only have 24 hours to go.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, first new entry. This uses an icon that features the WE initials within a stylised computer screen which is moving forward at speed. THis captures the speed and website aspect and the icon works really well as a standalone element without the name, making it easy to use on merchandise/t-shirts etc.

12 years ago
Hi again. Im not a fan of the image sorry mate. Can you please shoot me through a few more ideas if you have time. There is no need to send me 5 or 6 versions of each idea though. One or two will be great. Oncec i choose one that i like, we can then work on refining it.

Thanks again for your continued effort. If we can come up with something here then i think i will end the competition and run with you.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Next entries, a slick looking icon featuring a hummingbird - these are known for being fast, nimble and efficient. The icons have been styled to be techie looking. It's a little bit more creative this logo - was trying a different approach.

I know there's not long left in the contest, but when it ends it goes into judging mode which allows for the frost ranked designer to continue to work with you and create the final logo you are happy with - you can change the first ranked designer to whomever you want during this phase to allow for fine tuning and re-working. So it's not a worry if the design isn't 100% before the contest ends.


12 years ago
Logo Designer
Another design using a stylised pointer arrow moving forward and with perspective.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Another design using the text for the logo but I've made an arrow from part of the E and X to add in the express element. THis can also become a really strong letterform mark using the text WEX (Website Express) - so this could be used on things like Merch. I think the letters WEX make a cool name on their own "wex".

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Another version of the previous which also includes the element of the flame, bringing it in to the WEX icon text.
12 years ago
I probably still prefer the original sleek lettering in entries #102 & #79 (can decide on colour later).

Still not 100% on logo though. Hummingbird is a good idea but a bit feminine.

I guess overall I am happy with the wording but still just looking for a simple image to add to it. I don't really know what to suggest... Hmmm...

12 years ago
P.S. I hope I'm not starting to annoy you but I have big plans for the business and really want to get the branding right from the start.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, it's ok, you're not annoying but I'm starting to struggle with what to do. Are you looking for something basic and simple, like using the WE as an icon, or are you looking for an image? It's difficult to visualise the web without using things like computer screens, pointers, globes etc, I know you want to try avoid these things, so that leaves the speed element to work with which is where things like arrows, animals, fireballs, swooshes etc. Or doing something a bit more abstract. I've been trying to link the visual back to the name best I can, happy to keep trying but would be good to try get some more info to work with.

What would be great would be if you could show examples of logos you like, styles of icons you like, icons that you think represent your company.

Don't worry about the time on the contest. Like I mentioned earlier, it goes into judging mode which gives you time to continue working with first ranked designer. Or you can ask admin for an extension to keep the contest open to everyone.

I know it's important for you to get this right, and I want to deliver. So if you're able to supply a bit more I can get some more ideas to go with.

I'll get back on it tomorrow.



12 years ago
OK I'll have a look through some logos and try to come back to you with some more precise instructions.

I'm happy with the wording, I just think it would be good to have a small, memorable image included in the overall logo.

Anyway, I will get back to you soon.

12 years ago
OK I've thought of something newI would like you to try please. For one of my previous businesses (a marketing company), I used an adaptation of the Easter Island Heads (if you type Easter Island Heads into Google images it will show you what they look like).

I had 3 of them standing side-by-side going from a small one, to a mid-sized one, to a large one (signifying growth). If you provide me with your email address I will send it to you.

What I am thinking is that if we tweak the 3 characters to lean in the same direction as the lettering in the logos you have created i.e. bottom left to top right, they will kind of look like they are about to take off (again, signifying growth and I think it will fit in with the overall image we are trying to portray).

Hard to explain with words but I think if I send you the logo it will be much easier.

Chat soon,
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, the rules on LT mean I can't give you my email address during a live contest, however you can upload the logo something like imageshack and then send me the link to view it.

Really simple to do, just go here and upload, it'll give you a URL to use for viewing the image.

Send it over and I'll have a look and work on this concept for you.

12 years ago
OK I have just uploaded it to the link below:

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks Ian, will get on to this soon.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, new versions attached with the Easter Island styled head icon. Have styled it slightly differently to the sample you sent to make them site better with the text styling. Let me know if you'd like to see any changes. Thanks.
12 years ago
Wow, I think it looks great! I think the heads sync in well with the wording. What do you think?

Can you please send me through some examples using the lettering in entry #102 i.e. orange lettering.

We should then be nearly there.

Thanks again!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, some new options with other text. Calling it a night now, if you'd like to see anything else, let me know and I'll get it in the morning.


12 years ago
Hi there,

I like entry #161 the most. Probably the only other thing I would like to see is just switching the colours of the heads around. Is there any reason you chose 2 black ones then an orange or was that just random? Can we try black/ orange/ black please just so that I can compare? Could you also please show me one with 3 black heads, going from a grey gradually up to a black (like you have done with the first 2 heads).

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, new versions uploaded. I chose the last head to be orange because it was the tallest/highest of the three so it gave the impression of being elevated/speeding to a higher level. But this was just a side line of the design, it looks good with the other colouring you have asked for also.

Let me know if you need anything else.


12 years ago
OK mate I have selected you as the winner... Great stuff! I like entry #162 the most. It is 5am here so I am just heading back to bed but if you don't mind, I might just email you again in a few hours to let you know if there are any final tweaks I would like.

P.S. Are you able to incorporate the logo into a business card? My email address is

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, that's great. Really pleased we got there in the end. Let me know if you need any other tweaks and I'll get the final A/W uploaded for you to approve and complete the transaction.

Once we get the logo completed I'll get in touch re the business card, I can do this no problem.

Speak soon

12 years ago
Hi Derek,

these changes are going to seem pedantic but I just want to fine tune things a little.

Can you please:
- try shifting the height of the 3 heads up so that the lowest point of the lowest head is horizontal with the base of the ''.
- incorporate a bit of the swooshing effect that you have included in the word 'express' into the word 'website'. Not too much please but just a little. By swooshing effect, I mean the motion lines coming off the 'E' & the 'p' in the word Express.
- make the letter 'p' in 'express' extend down fully. The base of it looks like it's been chopped off.
- make the colour of the '' exactly the same as the darkest black/grey bit of the heads.

Once again, sorry about being so picky but I just want to get it fine tuned!

As soon as you have shot these few changes through to me, I'll get back to you and let you know if there is anything else I would like to see or if you can just submit the final logos.

Thanks once again!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian how's it going? Because the contest is now complete I can't upload any variations to the site, so instead have a look at this link. Let me know if you need any other changes or if it's good to go and I'll upload the final files.

12 years ago

Can you please apply the following 2 changes and then send me a link to have one more look please:

- Remove the swoosh mark infront of the 'W'
- Move the heads back down to the height they were before i asked you to move them up.

That should do us but if i could please see a draft before you upload the files, it would be great.

Thanks very much!
12 years ago
Also can you please move the heads a fraction to the left ie. leave a bit more space between the heads and the word 'websites'

12 years ago
Logo Designer
12 years ago

that looks great. One last thing that is hard to see when I look at it at my end... can you please just make sure that the yellow/ orange colour range in the wording, is the same as in the middle head i.e. starts at the same shade of yellow and ends in the same shade of orange. If that is the case then please feel free to upload the logo. Are you able to upload 3 images? One complete logo, one with just the heads, and one with just the wording please.

If you can please also email me regarding the business card layout, it would be great. I would also like to get With Compliments slips, a letterhead and fax header done. I also have an A4 flyer that I need designed/ laid out. Do you do that?

Chat soon,

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Ian, yeah, the colours are the exact same. I've uploaded the final logo files for you to approve and download. Once this is done I'll email you a full logo pack containing the logo in different formats (gif, PNG, psd etc) and also include the head as a separate icon and the text on it's own too.

As for stationery and flyers - yup, I can do this. I'll email you about this work at the same time as sending the logo pack over.


12 years ago

I've just downloaded the few files that I was able to from Logo Tournament.

I'll await your email containing the other files and respond with some more detail on the other work that I have available.

Thanks again for your work to-date!
12 years ago
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