Wow, you have presented a lot and I really appreciate it. So, entry #6 the gold circle was not a favorite. I liked the splash of red. Another color maybe? Entry # 5 looked a bit too simplistic I thought. Entries 8/9/and 10 I liked. Those were really close. A few things. Could you add that splash of red to those? I like the land curve on 10, I like the leaves on 9 and colors. Could you work with the 'C' and make it a 'C' with a suspended line in the middle so it is not like the monetary symbol? I think you are on the right track.....
Wow, you have presented a lot and I really appreciate it. So, entry #6 the gold circle was not a favorite. I liked the splash of red. Another color maybe? Entry # 5 looked a bit too simplistic I thought. Entries 8/9/and 10 I liked. Those were really close. A few things. Could you add that splash of red to those? I like the land curve on 10, I like the leaves on 9 and colors. Could you work with the 'C' and make it a 'C' with a suspended line in the middle so it is not like the monetary symbol? I think you are on the right track.....
Thank you for the additional entries. I like #27. It is different. Not a fan of #28, Can we make the colors more bold on # 27? Make 'Wealth' Green......Could the tree be bigger like # 26 or more spread over the words?
Ok, you are front running now. Please take a look at other designs if you are allowed and lets work on the 'C/E' I really like the tree incorporation in your designs. Friend feedback has def been in your direction. Lets continue to refine these. As before a bit more bold colors, vibrant, and the 'C/E'. I liked the direction you chose.....we are close to the finish line.....lets make it strong! Thank you again for your efforts!
Ok, you are working hard at this and I so appreciate it!! Let's work on the #1 ranked entry. Can we make the colors deeper? Change the 'C' to look more like the 'C/E' in other entries you designed. I like the blue, the green and grey need to catch up. I feel like the 'Engineering' gets lost a bit. I feel if the colors were deeper it would 'pop' more. I enjoyed the other interpretations. I don't like them more than the first ranked entry however. I think we are really on the right track!!
AWESOME! That looks great. The 'C/E' is right and i like the lay out. Now, can we make the colors deeper? I want to see what it looks like in deeper, more rich colors. Also let's make the 'Wealth' green and the "care' blue.......flip those colors please.
That is different. But no. Not different colors, stay with the same colors, just deepen them. Make them darker a bit. Change the color on wealth to green and care to blue and I think we will be fast approaching correctness!! Thank you for your work!!
I know I have taken some time. Now if I may. Lets take #63. Lets make the Wealth and the Care the same font. i think it needs to be more bold for the Wealth part. The green needs to match a green in the tree, it seems a bit different. Lets take the curved earth under the tree of # 10 and incorporate that into # 63 style. Lets have that to compare and move forward from there..... Please and thank you!
Lets also try to fill out the tree in #61. Lets see how it would look with a tree that is a bit bigger, more full. In addition, could we try to take #8 and at the bottom of the tree on the left side of the trunk put the W and on the right side of the trunk put the "C/E' the letters under the tree and WealthCare Engineering, LLC are in the lines under that......make sense? I would like to see what that looks like.....
Good day. I have a request to try to fill out the tree in # 61. It looks sort of small. Can we try to increase the foliage amount to flesh out the tree and make it more full please? Thank you!
Thank you for your attention and taking my suggestions. I would like to suggest to take out the 'C/E' letter in # 73. Lets try just the plain text. Could we deepen the colors even more. Or maybe bold 'wealth'..I like the way you fleshed out the tree, that was great. In #9, could we try to make the dollar signs more distinct. While I like the design and it is on point, the dollar signs get lost I think and jumbled. If they are more pronounced dollar signs maybe...... Thank you for your work!
Congratulations on being the #1 entry! I have liked your designs from the beginning. I have enjoyed what you placed and listened to my direction and vision and our task is to now fine tune and get the logo ready for launch. I believe we are very close and I have a few items if we could to see what that yields us. If I may, lets take out the 'C/E' letter, make it just a C. Working with either #1 or #3 entry, I like the fullness of the #3 entry leaves. Lets reduce the font size on the LLC and that way we can increase the Engineering and that should stand out more. I like the font in other designs. The 'a' for example I like better in other designs. Lets try to change that and see where we are. I still would like to see #5 with the '$' more pronounced and more clear to see where that design would get us. These are what I wold like to work on and see. I can't thank you enough for taking my suggestions and making them reality and listening and all your efforts with designs. I can't thank you enough! We are so close to the end and launch and I am so very excited!!
AWESOME!! Thank you! One item on #2 entry could you change the 'C/E' letter to a regular C, and change the font to be more the font in #48,#49, #50. I would like to see what the different font will change the appearance. Also could we curve the line that the tree is on? I would like to see what that would look like if that changes the dynamic at all. I like the LLC on its side. That is great and it def makes the Engineering stand out. I like the changes and given a few more items and comparisons I think we have it absolutely on the right track...... Awesome!! And thank you again!!
Thank you for additional items to view. Lets take ranked #3 and remove the 'C/E' letter make it a regular C. I like the leaves on that tree and A side LLC to increase Engineering. Again, I like the font in #48, #49 or #50. In other words I like -> a style and would like to see that font incorporated into design #3 rank. Lets try that I will move that into #1 rank and lets work on that to see where we are. Could you message me or email and let me know when changes are made. I feel as if I am not responding enough. Thank you again!!
Hi kevnikismith Thanks for all your feedback so far. Now we can see @ #99 - #102 there are base from entry ranked 3th or #90 with font drom entry: #48 , #49 and #50. I apologize if my english is not good. We strive to provide the best design for your satisfaction.
Ok, a bit more request to compare. I removed a lot of items to make it more efficient for me to view. So, On entry #1 rank(#63)lets do the same font as #2 rank(#102). To again replace the font to be the same font as ->'a'. Keep 'Wealth' a green colour. I like the deeper, more bold colors. Your English is fine, and you have definitely been striving diligently to present and succeed in the best designs for me. I am so close to my vision I can't tell you!! I am grateful really! I only have a few more days; I am so excited and happy!
Thank you kevnikismith, ... and now we can see @ #103 and #104 We can make a compare: there are base on #60 (ranked 1st) with the same font as entry #102 and also LLC on its side.
Ok, for the top #1 ranked entry, lets bold the letters and deepen the 'Care' color blue as other designs. Keep the 'Wealth' the same bold and color. Just deepen and bold the 'Care'. See what that gets us. We are racing to the end! So exciting! Thank you for the messages and the updated designs!!
Last modification I promise. We are at the last 2 days, In ranked entry #3, could we deepen the blue in 'Care', turn LLC on its side and increase Engineering size font? I will decide from those submissions and end the tournament. Thank you for all your hard work!!
Ok no problem, We are happy to do it :) And now we can see @ entry #106 there are base on 3rd ranked or entry #100 with deepen the blue in 'Care', turning LLC on its side and increase Engineering size font. We hope you and your team will like it.