We really like the place marker concept you came up with in #76 I was wondering if you might be able to try a softer font?
Also, wanted to let you know that I like what you did in #68. I don't think we would end up using it, but I like the way the lines that encircle the name tie it together and could signify collaboration - kudos!
Wow, I really like what you've done with the depth of the placemarker in #100 & #102. My biggest concern is that the company name almost looks like 'we ge'. But here's an idea... what if the placemarker were moved to the bottom circle in the g? The 'o' could go back to just being an 'o' and there'd be less potential confusion of the company name. I think the $ inside the placemarker should also be tilted so that it matches the directional orientation of the placemarker.
I think that'd be a pretty awesome design if it all worked!
Thanks for taking a shot at putting the placemarker in the 'g'. I don't think it works... here's what I'm thinking:
What if we went with plain text for we geo and use the placemarker as something that can optionally be placed in front of or behind the word? Almost like we geo !
I noticed that two different designers used the same font, but I'm not sure what its name is. They're entries #9 & #115. Since it seems to be a standard font that was used by multiple designers, I hope it's not wrong for me to request that you try it too? I think that's a really strong combination with the placemarker design you've built
And I wonder if the tag line should have the same font as was used for the company name?
This is awesome, great job. One last request... could you try to use the colors from our web site? The blue you used looks a bit darker? I'd be looking to see the blue color in the gutter that surrounds the header/body/footer. The gray might be a tad off, too. I love what you've come up with!
That's much closer. I'm concerned that the color's don't quite match our existing and that the logo might not look quite right if we were to just drop it in. As you can tell, I am not a designer, so please help me understand whether you think your color selection will complement what we have or if it should be changed a bit?
The blue color in our gutter area is: R:29, G:135, B:176
Your primary blue color in 'we' is near: R:43, G:142, B:197
Similarly, the gray in our icons is: R:128, G:128, B:128
And you used this gray in 'geo': R:150, G:150, B:150
the color in my entry didn't quite match, it's because im using a gradient and shadow effect in the collor, so the collor will change a litle bit...
#182 and in this entry,im didn't using any gradient and shadow effect, so it will exactly match with your existing collor... and thankyou verry much! :)
So the color you're using in the one with the gradient is the same as our colors, it's just that the gradient creates a spectrum of color? Can you tell me which entries you feel are a match for our colors (both with and without gradients) so that I can choose the right one?
almost like that, but it can't be same... close yes... because when im using a gradient it must be formed with two collors, example, dark grey and the bright grey... and almost all of my entry using a gradients color.
so ithink, for without gradients is entry #182 and with gradient, i recommended this new one #187, i make the collor close enough to the #182 thankyou!,