My concept involves some simply drawn icons (my own artwork by the way) to illustrate in a friendly, fun way your service. As you said it must appeal to a very broad age group and by using a style that has a community feel seems to work really well.
The first concept is a figure which is the "everyday hero" - having got through the bustle of the urban landscape unscathed and feeling better for the exercise.
The second concept focuses on the wheels with a sun and leaf motif adding to the message.
Hope this is on the right track. I'm able to look further at color if these are in the right direction. All the designs will work in one color - so for printing or photocopying information for people they'll work fine.
This is a very nice design #209, and something new. Thanks! I'd love to see it with darker/stronger color, in these tones, and/or something with blue predominating. I'm also curious about streamline the icons slightly so that it stays fairly horizontal and the total height of logo is a bit less.
Thanks. Due to the time here in Australia I didn't see your feedback until the end of the contest.
If you do wish to see further developments of this please contact me. (Note only the #1 rank designer can upload refinements on their design during judging - you can rank someone #1 temporarily so they can upload if you like). Regards, Michael