I still like the first one you did. If you are able to see the other artists submissions look at the logo I ranked number 2. I really like the colors in his logo. The blue and the green that have depth.
I really like your entry #31 (Currently ranked #1). However, I would like to see what it looks like with "recovery" in some different shades of blue instead of green. Can you put the word "recovery" in the same blue that "waters edge" is in from entry #29?
I definitely like your logo and style, it is very unique. I like how you incorporate the people in the drop of water with their hands raised symbolizing liberation. I also like Kanaca's (currently ranked #1). My facility is going to be very exclusive and considerd a luxury. The logo currently ranked number 1 is very clean and crisp and has a very high class look. I want my prospective clients to think of things like the Ritz Carlton when they see my logo. Can you try and modify your current design and/or provide some new desings to reflect exclusivity and luxury? As I stated, I definitely like your style. Thanks Meepo!
Can you make one with a more limited color palette? I feel the current colors give it a juvenile look. Also, can you play around with the typography, maybe try a serif font instead of or in conjunction with the san serif typeface?
It currently looks a little too fun like a waterpark or something. I think refining the color and typography should make it more serious and exclusive.
Hello Meepo, these new designs are definitely more along the lines of the look I am going for. Thanks for submitting. If you think of any additional variations and/or changes, I welcome them.
Hello Meepo, I like the outline. However, the way it looks on entry #115 (currently ranked #2) the inside symbolic logo is smaller. Can you keep the logo the same size as entry #76 (currently ranked #1) and input a smaller/thinner frame around it?
in regards of splitting the award with another designer, in this contest there is no reason for me to do that. Because of I didn't use any elements of his designs in mine and stick with almost the same concept from the start, and so he did the same thing as well.
Just letting you know, I have been advised by Ivan that we cannot split the prize if you are getting the logo separately. if you are insisting to get 2 different logos, you have to pay for them (prize x 2)
Also Kanava refused to split the prize.because he said it against the rule of LT.
Hello Meepo, Ivan informed me that he will allow you and Kanava to split the prize. I am increasing the prize to $550 so you will each get $275. When I announce you as winner can you send Kanava his half of the prize? He will then email me his logo files and you can send me yours.
I will announce winners as soon as I receive your confirmation.