Washington Home TeamLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Washington Home Team

Washington Home Team has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 100 designs from 5 different designers from around the world.


















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#3 I like this without the building and replace with an outline or something of Washington State.
13 years ago
#4 Okay, change the the circle and washington state symbol to black, put the WA symbol over the Washingto state drawing, change the color of the WA to white. Then on the writing below, change the "Washington" to white and the "home team" to black. The entire background of the signs and cards will be red. Thanks so much!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much
up date logo

(This comment references Entry #6)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry for my late reply, I didn't notice it.
You can leave individual feedback by clicking our name, and your comment will deliver to our email

(This comment references Entry #13)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
new initial design

(This comment references Entry #15)
13 years ago
Okay, sorry still getting to know the system here...
13 years ago
January 14th, 2011, 8:47pm#14 I like this one, but put the circle in instead of the box please. Try to tone down the "W" in Washington Home Team. I like the font, just that "W" is too much. I like the "WA", but I would like to see a couple different fonts even though this one is great. The one in #15 is way too much:) The colors are good and I like the arrangement of where you put the "Home Team" under Washington. That works well. I think the circle is the best, but don't put "Washington Home Team" touching or in it in any way. I like it separate. Thanks!!!
13 years ago
January 14th, 2011, 9:15pm#14 One other thing on this one, make the "Home Team" a little larger so it is not totally hidden. Also keep #6 "WA" make the font smaller not too much just a bit. Thanks!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update logo

(This comment references Entry #16)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
change the "W" on Washington

(This comment references Entry #17)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
change the WA

(This comment references Entry #18)
13 years ago
#17 I'm liking this. If you can edit that "Washington" W without the curves so much and maybe add some kind of black or white line above Washington Home Team as well. I like the icon now, that is looking really good. " Home Team" could still be a little bit bigger and bit closer to the "g". Remember, the font is good on all of this I just want those curly lines on that "W" gone!!!:) It is just too much. Otherwise, looking good.
13 years ago
January 15th, 2011, 1:11pm#17 another idea... Shadow the lettering on "Home Team"...lets see what that looks like. And try to make "Washington Home Team" all bold. Make the circle a bit thinner, not skinny but a little less pronounced.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update logo

(This comment references Entry #26)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
shadow on home team

(This comment references Entry #28)
13 years ago
#28 I like this one a lot. That dang Washington "W" is killing me. I want a normal "W" with no weirdness. Make it a few sizes bigger move it more towards the "a" and it will look better. I don't want it to look like a "W" with tentacles growing from it:) Try one with the shadow and one with no shadow. Also try a black line down by Home Team to fill that out. I like the Home Team in this one more than the others. I like the skinnier circle, actually this is looking fantastic. Let me know what you think.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you very much
actually I've already make the the circle thinner,
update logo as your request and made the circle more thinner

(This comment references Entry #29)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
shadow on Washington

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
#30 Okay. I like the Washington now. It looks great. Take out the line under "Home Team". Take out the shadow under the symol and move Washington Home Team as close to the circle as you can, still making it look good.

In another picture, add the white line from #26 with the things I just told you with #30. Please do one with and one without the white line.

Thanks so much!!!
13 years ago
#30 Try some different fonts for Washington if possible. Totally new ones with the shadowing in it. I am still fighting over it, because some don't look quite as professional as others. I am sorry I am being so annoying but the font is a big deal. Thanks!! Look at #32 and #33. That person made it really professional, but it is almost too harsh like a bank or lawyers office. We are trying to help people make the biggest decision of their buying lives, buy a house!! I hope this helps!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
those are my revision
If you can come up with any suggestions or if I have left anything out, I'm glad to hear it so that.

(This comment references Entry #38)
13 years ago
#36 I like this a lot. I want you to change the font back to #6's style but with the shadowing of "Washington" and the bold "Home Team".

Another thing you could try is bringing in some white shadowing in the symbol of the state and the circle. Look at #21 and see what you think. If you don't think it would look good don't but if you can come up with something try it out!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
change the font like entry #6
for your request (white shadow) I think it look to busy

(This comment references Entry #47)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
new font

(This comment references Entry #48)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry for my late reply
I've appointment :)

(This comment references Entry #49)
13 years ago
#47 "WA" in the symbol needs to be a bit smaller to better fit in the symbol.

Enlarge the word "Washington" so that it is larger as well as "Home Team" so they stand out a bit more. Also put them a little closer to the circle so as not to have as much space in between.

Try one drawing with a white outline around the black circle.

Do one with the white with everything we asked above and one without.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update logo

(This comment references Entry #60)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
new layout for WA

(This comment references Entry #62)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry I have something to do right now.
I'll be back 2hours or less

(This comment references Entry #63)
13 years ago
#60 Make the "WA" even smaller and bring it down in the symbol a bit more. Make Washington Home Team larger. It is too small. Thanks so much! Look at #64, I like it as well, see if you have any more ideas, I still like #60 though!!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
smaller WA and larger Washington Home Team

(This comment references Entry #65)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
new design

(This comment references Entry #66)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
new WA initial

(This comment references Entry #69)
13 years ago
#67 I like this one!! Make that inner part of the circle black without the shading in the upper part of it. Move the "WA" up a little bit. Make the Washington Home Team even a little bigger and try a separate design with the "Home Team" in white and be the same as Washington. We just have to try a few different variations. I love this #67 though. It looks great!!

Show me one that is exactly the same as #67 with the "WA" moved up just a little. Thanks so much!!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
up date logo

(This comment references Entry #70)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry wrong file...
here my new update logo

(This comment references Entry #73)
13 years ago
#73,75 okay, move the "WA" just barely to the right, as to look centered but just a little off no one should be able to tell.

#65, do to this everything you did in #70 except for the symbol, keep it black.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
move the WA to the right

(This comment references Entry #77)
13 years ago
#79 Move the WA up a little more, too low.
13 years ago
#60 I still like this one with the WA big and bold. Lets try something a bit different. Make the circle and symbol bigger and leave "WA" the same size. Make the size of the font for Washington Home Team bigger to be proportinate like it is in #65. Let me know!! Thanks!
13 years ago
#82 ya see that looks a bit funny you can really tell it is not centered. If you can, do what I said in the above post. I think that will work.
13 years ago
I don't care which one you use just center the WA and make it so it is not touching anything on the outside of the symbol. To do that try to make the symbol a bit bigger. I think that is the problem we are having. Then you can size the entire thing down if we need to and the WA will look fine and still be centered. Just remember to make sure that Washington Home Team is large and obvious. Thanks so much!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update logo

(This comment references Entry #85)
13 years ago
#85 Looks better, try to make the WA bigger if possible. Also, either bold or do something so that Washington Home Team stands out like #84. Try it with the white/black combo and then try it with the white/white combo like #84 has. Sorry this is taking so long!!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
It's ok ;)
for WA, if I make it bigger it will touch the outside of the symbol
bold font

(This comment references Entry #87)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I made the WA more bold
I hope it will make the WA more pop up

(This comment references Entry #91)
13 years ago
#87 Try to make the WA a larger size font if possible, but do not bold:) That didn't look good too fat looking.

Do all the changes on #73 and #75. I want my partner to see those and we are getting close to the deadline!! Thanks!!
13 years ago
This is great, I have no more things to say until I talk to my partner, you have done a fabulous job!!! We may change a couple little things still, but I will get back to you in a bit.
13 years ago
#94 Bring the Washington Home Team a little closer to the symbol if possible. We want that close but not touching. Thanks.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
update logo
logo closer to the text

(This comment references Entry #99)
13 years ago
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