We would like to see the color scheme found in #458, #407 and #474.
Please also give us an option of spreading out the AGENCY to the length of Waldecker.
Could we also see a few differnt font options for the Waldecker- we have been drawn to the capital W and lowercase aldecker?
Please also include an option with a horizontal line under AGNECY to separate it from the tagline- "Professional. Current. Reliable." Try that without the vertical line.
hi there The effect you are looking for is fairly simple - just let me know if you need any further changes - and i hope you are aware that only the first ranked entry can submit changes during Judjing mode - so you may have to temporarly ranked me first inorder for me to sumbit any further changes you may need during Judjing mode - hope that helps
some color variation with a shade of red Entry #500 Entry #501 Entry #502 Entry #503 Entry #504
Colors are easly changed do let me know if you like any changes - am available for any numbers of changes that you may require - so please do not hesitate to ask
Thank you for the color variation- we really like #502!
Could we see #502 with a slight separation between the blue and the red- a slight gap between the two to separate them?
Also, could we see a variation with the two sides of the star straight? So instead of a star in the middle, it would look like an arrow inside the arrow- also with the slight separation between colors?
We really like the color fade from inside to outside, as in the red of #502.
We are very pleased with this design, just want to see those couple variations.
hi thanks for writing in : #508 is entirely your idea although it being a deravative of #506 is different enough. I have no issues in passing both the design to you ; as a matter of fact you are allowed to buy additional logos.
I will be happy, if you can add some $ for the second logo; I am not allowed to offer free service or free logos or additional designs as part of winning - freebies on my part will attract a ban on LT besides it unfair to the fellow designers who have put up hard work , am not to take advantage with free offers : in other words am not to entice the contest holder with free offers.
I hope you can understand - as such any additional payment for the second design and the amount may be decided by your good self. You may kindly make an offer through a Private Message and we can work things from there.
PS : Once again i hope you can understand the issues with regard to additional design ; am thus constrained to make free offers