wouldn't change the colour, this is just the right green. The only variations coming up my mind would be the leaves of the crown, or the crown itself. Still - very strong design!!
Hi GMarc, I really like your approach, simple, clear, speaks for itself. If you don´t mind, have a quick look at the contest called vitasmoke. Maybe you have got a comparable good idea for this challenge as well?
Cheers WK (who went to school with marcusantonius ;-)
#25 really came up with the "Wow"-effect, but I'm a little concerned to handle this design on the website. A complete dark-green background might work, but the chance that it will not work is even higher. Just think about grafics/pictures on a dark background.. I liked #3 right away and still like it. There are only two directions to alternate the design (and may be improve it): the shape/size of the crown and the color. My be you sleep one/two nights over it and get a fresh view?! But once again - great design!!
I think a dark background has a good chance, it just needs some work in web design too, to realize this. As you mentioned, pictures etc. can not just be put on it... or if you give your websites just kind of a solid green frame. I mainly focused on things like business cards or letterhead with this version. Anyway, I'm working on new crown versions. Hope to submit until tomorrow... Thank you very much so far.
...ganz klar #37 ! Es ist nicht so verspielt wie #38 und wirkt eher wie eine Prinzenkrone. #38 geht mehr in Richtung König - ich mag grundsätzlich nicht so viele Details. Aus diesem Grund ist die 37-Krone auch etwas kleiner gehalten - ich bin der Meinung, dass die Krone nichr uebergewichtig erscheinen darf, sondern nur einen kleinen Akzent bilden soll - sonst wirkt es ueberheblich. §37 ist einfach sympatischer...
Diesen Teil hatte ich bisher vernachlässigt... hier eine neue Version, mit gleicher Schrift - wirkt gleich edler. Die Krone habe ich zum Vergleich ein bisschen grösser gemacht.