WagOutfitters.comLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / WagOutfitters.com

WagOutfitters.com has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 105 designs from 10 different designers from around the world.
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nice concept. wag is subtle, but not the main focus which is good. I like the sweater on the dog. It gives the sense of clothing... I like the dots all around. Different elements within this make an interesting logo. Feel free to post other concepts too. Can I see this in a single color variation just so I know what it would look like? At this point in time, I don't know if it's too monochromatic. Might be ok, but might ask for more color variations later. Thanks!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear Caravas,

Here is a monochromatic version for the logo #2. I'll try some other versions too.

Kind regards.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#4 a new design based on text. The W is the head of a dog.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Oh, and the font is custom made.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#6 a bit more compact and more colour.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
and scissors...
11 years ago
thanks. I like the scissors, but so many coupon sites use them nowadays, that I'm concerned people might misunderstand it and think it refers to something else at a glance.

I like the needle/thread concept too, however it may be difficult to make out what it is on a small scale.

let me mull these over...I'll let you know what I decide.
11 years ago
can I see two new versions please:

1) #6 without the scissors
2) #6 without the scissors and add space between the dog's legs and the lower section with the site name (like #6)
11 years ago
sorry... meant (like #5) on point 2 above
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#11 Is this what you had in mind? Cheers.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#12 This is more like a clothing tag/ label in a store. I could add a piece of rope through the hole.
11 years ago
nice and interesting concept... the rope/string would add a nice detail to it.

I like the dotted lines around the first versions because this is very much how a tailor would mark and cut patterns. It's just that so many coupon sides use those darn scissors, it feels like there's a stigma around that imagery now (for me at least).

Which one of your designs do you like best so far?

Do you like the dog with or without the outline around it's body best? I see you've used both versions.

And lastly, do you have any suggestions that can make these look more upscale and classy just a tad?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#17 a version with a rope, and more subtile shadowing round the stitches.
The label also has some depth.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
#19 is like #18 but with thicker outline and the dogs legs on the line of the textoutline
11 years ago
1) is it difficult to design a traditional loop-through knot (rope/string) like the one on the upper right page here? http://www.brilliantembroidery.co.uk/embroidered_clothing/ or here: http://www.b2bage.com/product-garment-tags/118254/clothes-tag.html

2) Also, is it possible to also include a variation of a tied-off frilled end like here? I think this really hits the nail on the head for being a clothing tag. http://2.imimg.com/data2/SR/UY/MY-5737854/clothes-tags-500x500.jpg

So, I'm basically asking for both modifications to the rope/string.
11 years ago
can you also do #6 with more subtile shadowing round the stitches like #17, AND also make the scissors bigger?

Would it be possible to make it look like the scissors are actually cutting into the fabric? Maybe add a small hole of some kind where the scissor appears to be going through the fabric? Just trying to think outside the box a bit since i like this concept, but trying to make it work.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

yeah sure. Let me try a few things out.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
#31 the label is now with a paper texture (the texture all vector-based by the way, no bitmap) and a loop through knot.
The design is also a bit more simplified.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#32 same as #31, but without the paper texture.
11 years ago
#31 is cool. Can I have it on a white background with no shadowing around the string? And make the shadowing around the label like you did on #17 with just a little depth?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#33 is #6 with shadow round the stitches and a needle. But it now only works on a dark background because of the light thread and needle..

#34 is #31, but with a white background and a bit of depth to the card.

I had to make the outline of the card a bit darker otherwise it would be barely visble on the white background.
11 years ago
can you switch up the colors somehow to make #33 work with a white background? Maybe do the needle/thread using silver/dark gray/dark silver?
11 years ago
i was also thinking, can you make the stitches a tad longer and thicker? It's hard to see them on a small scale. I'm thinking if they were slightly bigger (longer and thicker), it would be a lot more obvious on small scale use.

I would still keep the depth you created for the stitches though.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#35 thicker and longer stiches. The needle is green and placed in a position where the thread of stitches is almost finished. The wire can remain white in this way. Some minor adjustments in balance.

It's bedtime here, speak to you soon.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
#44 same #35 , but with a small subtile stitched border
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#45 same as #34 but without the outline on the dog and without the small bevel on the inside of the card outline.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#46. just a rotation variation of #45 and some minor colour adjustment rond the hole of the card.
11 years ago
let me think about #44, not sure how I feel about the stitched border yet.

Overall, #35 is my favorite. I love the bigger stitches. Looks sharp! And the unfinished look, was a good call to make the design work.

I have three comments:

1) can something be done with the color? If just feels too green. Like there's a lot of green here. I don't mind the color, it just feels over the top green.

2) Can you make the needle a shiny silver? two-tone Gray/Silver to give the appearance that it's shining? I'm not sure if this is doable, or even if it will look good, but thought a more realistic needle might give it more appeal.

3) Have you thought about other font options? I want the font to be legible, but after looking at some of the other designers, I was thinking some different text might be nice on this design as well.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#52. Some more colour abd a shiny needle. I'll try a couple of fonts tomorrow. But i liked the non nonsense fonty on this one. Unfortunately, i got to go now. More tomorrow. I will also try some other colours.

11 years ago
I like this treatment much better with the shiny needle and color switch up.

Yes, I agree about the fonts. Just wanted to see if it made any difference.

Thanks much and talk soon.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#74 #75 #76
Hi, here are some new more compact designs. Two of them have a smiling dog.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#77 Same as #76 with different colouring and striping
11 years ago
OMG... you're killing me!!! ;-)

So many cool things to consider. I think i like the smiling dog. It gives it some life and character, where the other seemed a bit colder in nature.

Before I give you my opinion, out of all of your designs, which are your top 2 favorite?

11 years ago
Dannes, can you give me a variation of #52 with...

1) a smile on the dog
2) update the color to use the same blue as #77
3) add the orange boarders around the sweater like on #76

on my screen, the orange boarder on #77 seems richer than on #76 (this one seems slightly more mellow). I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but if they are not, I prefer the orange tone on #77
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, no problem. I'll make a version of that.
I'll also think about what i consider my top two... I think i also still like the label.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#82 Here is the version you requested. Let me know if you need another version.
11 years ago
82 looks great. can you show me how #82 converts into a single color, like Black and White? I find myself needing these in single color for various purposes.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#85 different colours
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#82 in a single colour. Hmn, that will be a diccicult one. I'll have to work with lines.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#86 is using one colour, but using percentages of that colour.
11 years ago
you can omit things like the sweater boarder if they complicate things. not sure things like that are necessary
11 years ago
Logo Designer
like #87 ?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
#88 is more suited for things like copy paper or fax.
11 years ago
yes, but is that considered one color for printing purposes? I'm not even sure this can be converted to a single color, can it...
11 years ago
yes! #88 would be perfect.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
i made some small changes. The little wiggles next to the tail are a bit thicker.
De thread goes through the eye of the needle, but now comes out like in the black and white version. Somehow this made more sense to me.
11 years ago
thanks for the thought and effort... do you think it would look better to put two wiggle lines on either side of the tail to make it appear like more motion, or would that be too much?

You would likely need to make the space inside bigger to accommodate more lines/detail, Just thought I'd suggest it
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure, no problem. #100 has the motion lines. I'm not sure if they fit the style. But maybe i have to get used to it.
11 years ago
thanks. We could always take them out completely too. It's an extra element we might be able to do without
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Yep. #101 and #102 are without the motion lines.
We could also give them another colour. white, lighter green, etc.
11 years ago
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